samedi 30 janvier 2021


ONJ un 30 janvier à Melbourne ...



30 JANVIER 1982 

Après 10 semaines Number 1 dans le classement BILLBOARD HOT100, Olivia Newton-John cède sa place au duo HALL & OATES et leur I Can't Go For That !


 ... de l'autre coté de l'Atlantique c'est le second titre LANDSLIDE qui est choisi pour succéder à PHYSICAL ! Le titre monte à la 29ème place des meilleures ventes de 45t au Royaume Uni !


ONJ’s daughter defends vaccine stance 

The Sunday Mail (Queensland)
31 Jan 2021

OLIVIA Newton-John’s daughter Chloe Lattanzi has denied being an anti-vaxxer but has questioned the content of most vaccines.
Lattanzi has been called out on Instagram for sharing information slamming vaccines, masks and lockdowns. 

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m anti putting mercury and pesticides in my body, which are in a lot of vaccines,” Lattanzi, who was on last year’s Dancing With The Stars, said. “I’ve watched natural medicine heal my mother and make her feel vibrant and healthy with stage-four cancer, I wouldn’t even say she has stage four (anymore). 

 “To me, real medicine is what comes from the Earth. I think people trust vaccines because the doctor says it is safe, I used to. 
 “But now I’ve done research into things I don’t believe that to be the case. “I understand why we have vaccines but I think people should research what’s in them. 

I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but if I had a chance to take herbs and plants as a baby rather than have toxins injected into me, I would have done that.” Lattanzi, who runs a medicinal cannabis farm in Oregon, is currently staying with her mother and husband John Easterling on their ranch two hours outside of Los Angeles in Santa Barbara. Newton-John, who says she takes “precautions” including wearing masks while shopping, said she had no plans to take the new COVID-19 vaccine. 

 Newton-John and Lattanzi have recorded a duet called Window in the Wall.



Chloe has viral doubt 
‘I’m not an anti-vaxxer’ but ... 

Sunday Herald 
Sun 31 Jan 2021




OLIVIA Newton-John’s daughter Chloe Lattanzi has denied being an antivaxxer, but has questioned the content of most vaccines. Lattanzi has been called out on Instagram for sharing information slamming vaccines, masks and lockdowns.

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m anti putting mercury and pesticides in my body, which are in a lot of vaccines,” Lattanzi, who was on last year’s Dancing With the Stars, said.

“I’ve watched natural medicine heal my mother and make her feel vibrant and healthy with stage four cancer, I wouldn’t even say she has stage four (any more). To me, real medicine is what comes from the earth. I think people trust vaccines because the doctor says it is safe, I used to.

“But now I’ve done research into things, I don’t believe that to be the case.

“I understand why we have vaccines but I think people should research what’s in them. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but if I had a chance to take herbs and plants as a baby rather than have toxins injected into me, I would have done that.”

Lattanzi, who runs a medicinal cannabis farm in Oregon, is currently staying with her mother and the singing legend’s husband John Easterling on their Santa Barbara ranch, two hours from Los Angeles.

Newton-John, who says she takes “precautions” including wearing masks while shopping, said she had no plans to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

“Not at this point, no,” the 72-year-old said.

“I feel really good, really well, I take a lot of supplements and the cannabis my husband grows for me, he studies which strains work best for cancer. Cannabis doesn’t kill you, it heals you. It’s only in the last 100 or so years it was made out to be evil.”

Lattanzi said the focus on painkillers over natural medicine confounded her.

“People will look at synthetic chemicals as medicine. They’re not medicine to me, they mask symptoms, whereas plant medicine addresses what’s causing the symptoms.”

Newton-John is in regular contact with her family in Melbourne but unable to come home. “Australia’s done a wonderful job with the virus but we can’t come back right now,” she said. “I don’t want to risk flying, with my immune system. Even though it’s good, I’m a little compromised, so I don’t want to take chances.”

Au cas ou vous n'auriez pas vu ONJ et Chloe répondre aux questions des fans ... 


Olivia Newton-John Recalls ‘Exciting Moment’ She Filmed John Travolta Kissing Scene in ‘Grease’

vendredi 29 janvier 2021


Sur le tournage de GREASE ...


ONJ et Chloe Lattanzi sur les ondes de la BBC2 de bon matin dans le programme de ZOE BALL BREAKFAST SHOW ..
L'interview débute approximativement vers les  2.02.00 ...


The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
30 Jan 2021 

 Australia has produced countless world class singers from all manner of genres. It’s almost impossible to rank them, so we’ve got music writers Kathy McCabe and Cameron Adams plus broadcasters Molly Meldrum, Myf Warhurst and Ash London to go through some our finest vocalists decade by decade 


 We forget how immense ONJ’s career was in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and how she was an early devotee of pivoting – from Eurovision to country to carnal pop and even new age healing music. Cameron: “While she didn’t write most of her hits, the emotion in Olivia’s voice let her own the songs, setting her above many pop stars. Play Xanadu, Hopelessly Devoted to You, I Honestly Love You or Magic, her vocal delivery adds to the pop perfection.”



Le 29 janvier 1977, le single SAM fait son entrée dans les différents charts BILLBOARD ..
72ème dans le HOT100 .. à la 88ème place en mode Country et à la 33ème à la sauce Easy Listening .. 

jeudi 28 janvier 2021



ONJ and Chloe in harmony 

29 Jan 2021CAMERON ADAMS  

Olivia Newton-John may be one of our most recognisable voices but there’s one sound of Australia she pines for. “I miss the sounds of the birds in the morning,” Newton-John says from her Californian ranch. “I really miss Australia; Australia is still my heart home.” 

 While she was born in England in 1948 (she was made a dame in 2019), the singer’s family emigrated to Melbourne in 1954. 

 “Even though I went back to England when I was 16, for my career, those years from five to 16 I spent in Australia, they’re the very formative years – that’s a very important period in your life,” Newton-John says. “It’s why Australia is so special to me.” 

 Her daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, has spent the past few months living with Newton-John and her husband John Easterling. Last year a friend told Newton-John she had a song – written by a cousin – she wanted the superstar to hear. 

 “I thought, ‘Gosh, what if it’s terrible?’” Newton-John says. “Anyway, I played it. I was sitting with John and we both got very emotional. I just had this knowingness I needed to record it. 

 “I’d decided I wasn’t going to sing any more – I was just going to hang out and have fun – but I knew I had to record this and I had to record it with Chloe. This song moved me and hopefully it can move other people.” 

 After her cancer returned in 2017, Newton-John effectively retired from touring and recording new music. 

 However, the song Window In the Wall had a positive message that instantly appealed to the singer and her daughter. 

 “People talk a lot about unity and healing, but only if you think the way I do,” Lattanzi says. “What this song is about is finding the similarities even if people see things differently to you, and showing people love even if they think differently to you.” 

Indeed, Newton-John’s trademark positivity (she calls herself a cancer “thriver”, not survivor, and never uses terms like battle or war to discuss her health) even extends to the pandemic. 

 “As much as it’s been a difficult time there have been some positives: a lot of families are forced to be together and learn new things about each other and about life and community they hadn’t focused on, because they’re so distracted by everything,” she says.

 “It’s a wonderful opportunity to have people remember we all share this planet at this time.” 
The song’s video was filmed at Newton-John’s ranch in Santa Barbara – where Easterling grows the strains of medicinal cannabis she uses for healing and pain relief. (Lattanzi usually lives on a cannabis farm in Oregon). 

 “It’s not a bad place to be locked down; we’re very fortunate,” Newton-John says. “We’re in a little, quiet town. The danger is everywhere; you just have to take precautions. We wear masks when we go shopping, try to stay safe.” 

 “But we don’t live in fear,” Lattanzi adds. 

 While Newton-John is in constant contact with her family in Melbourne (“Australia’s done a wonderful job with the virus,” she notes) she has no plans to return any time soon – and had to miss her annual walk for the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre last year. “We can’t come back right now,” she says. “I don’t want to risk flying, to be honest, with my immune system. “Even though it’s good, I’m a little compromised, so I don’t want to take any chances.” And fans will get more music from Newton-John. As well as recording for Delta Goodrem’s Christmas album and Barry Gibb’s No. 1 album, Greenfields, she’s working on her own duets album, which will include Window In the Wall as well as some unheard duets from her vault. “I’m just going to do things that give me pleasure, without having to tour,” Newton-John says. “I lived that life between the plane and the hotel and the stage; it was great but I’m enjoying this new life very much.” 

 I’d decided I wasn’t going to sing any more – I was just going to hang out and have fun – but I knew I had to record this Window In the Wall is out now

Et donc on apprend  qu'ONJ va nous sortir un album de duos composé d'inédits .. issus de ses archives ! Je n'ose même pas imaginer tout ce qu'elle a dans ses archives ... mais à quand un vrai album solo ! 






Le 28 janvier 1984 MCA plébiscitait Olivia Newton-John pour son succès en mode K7 vidéo ! La transition en mode dvd n'était pas d'actualité .. les 3 vidéos si successfull n'ont jamais connues une seconde vie ! Seul quelques bootlegs font les beaux jours du célèbre site aux enchères ... 




ONJ sera de bon matin sur les ondes de la BBC2 pour le programme de ZOE BALL !


Un 28 janvier 2005, Olivia Newton-John salue les photographes à Melbourne sur le court de l'Open d'Australie



Le 28 janvier 1984, le duo TRAVOLTA/NEWTON-JOHN stagne à la 3ème place du BILLBOARD TOP50 ADULT CONTEMPORARY  avec leur duo TAKE A CHANCE !


Le 45t TWIST OF FATE lui est en régression dans le HOT100 .. et rejoint la 9ème marche du classement des singles aux USA ! 

La bande sonore de TWO OF A KIND stagne à la 27ème place du BILLBOARD 200 et le GREATEST HITS Volume 2 se repositionne à la 78ème ... 



mercredi 27 janvier 2021


Le 27 janvier 1979, A LITTLE MORE atteint son point culminant au Royaume Uni ! ONJ est 4ème des meilleures ventes de 45t ! Ce fabuleux morceau ne montera pas plus haut dans ce classement !  

 L'album TOTALLY HOT grimpe de 17 places pour se positionner à la 32ème du classement des meilleures ventes de 33t !



Aux USA, la même semaine, TOTALLY HOT grimpe à la 15ème place du BILLBOARD 200 là ou GREASE descend à la 11ème ...
Et A LITTLE MORE LOVE atteint la 6ème marche du HOT 100 !


Et c'est MarioPindaBR qui nous propose une version "remasterisée" du superbe morceau extrait de XANADU et pas ..exploité ... comme il aurait fallu ! 
Bravo et merci pour ce dépoussiérage 

Avec cette impression de redécouvrir ces formidables chansons ...    


Pour LE jour de l'Australie la génialissime DAM IM à rendu hommage à 2 artistes .. Olivia Newton-John, la chanteuse de .. et Peter Allen l'un des compositeurs du célèbre I HONESTLY LOVE YOU !
Son interprétation est fantastique !! 


mardi 26 janvier 2021


THE TALK ! ... ONJ et CHLOE à la 19ème minute ! 




Olivia Newton-John fait la couv du magazine anglais YOURS !

Danke kay 


Olivia Newton-John a souhaité aux australiens une joyeuse et heureuse journée pour le Australia Day ce mardi ... mais ses salutations n’ont pas été sans controverse.... parce qu’elle ne reconnaissait pas les aborigènes australiens dans son message .... et forcément quelques "haters" se sont lâchés !

C’est un jour de deuil pour beaucoup, car la Journée de l’Australie est un rappel des dizaines de milliers de morts causées par la colonisation. 

lundi 25 janvier 2021


 Le 25 janvier 1982, Olivia Newton-John présentait les AMERICAN MUSIC AWARDS en compagnie d'Andy Gibb et Rick Springfield ! Elle y interpréta son nouveau single MAKE A MOVE ON ME !


Nominée dans la catégorie "chanteuse favorite" Sheena Easton est repartie bredouille ! C'est Pat Benatar absente à cette soirée qui fut la gagnante !


Olivia et son premier mari à l'after party des AMAs 


Bernie Sanders sur le clip d'ONJ et Chloe et le respect des distanciations physiques !!