Since Olivia‘s been diagnosed with Breast Cancer on July 3rd in 1992 she‘s been tirelessly active raising Money for Charity or raising her Voice for a good Cause. Quite impressive what she‘s achieved up to this day. Let‘s take a look how it all started and where she is now helping People dealing with all kinds of Diseases and Loss.
In 1991, way before Olivia was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she was faced with the Death of her Goddaughter Colette Chuda. Alongside Colette‘s Parents Nancy and Jim Olivia became a Spokesperson for CHEC ( Children’s Health & Environmental Coalition ), which later became the Healthy Child Organisation. With her best friend Nancy Olivia tried to get Legislation changed regarding toxic Substances in the Environment, which are especially dangerours to little Children. In 2001 Olivia filmed a Video together with Kelly Preston (John Travolta‘s Wife) called „Not under my Roof“ in order to educate Parents protecting their Children from Toxins in their Homes.
1994 saw the first Breast Cancer Documentary that featured an Appearance of Olivia. „Agatha‘s Curse“ was filmed early in 1994 on her Farm in Byron Bay, where she was busy recording her „Gaia“ Album which showcased her ordeal with Cancer (btw: that Album got me through my frist Course of Chemo, July 3rd, 2003!). She proved in the first place how much creative Force she still had and Cancer did set free in her Being.
Other Documentaries, which were shown on TV or even on the Big Screen included e.g. the 1997 canadian Production „Exposure“, the 2008 Documentary „The Breast Cancer Path of Healing & Wellness“ (feat. Celebrities like Jaclyn Smith, Christina Applegate and Melissa Etheridge amongst others) and the 2010 Film „1AMinute“, again with Melissa Etheridge and Jacyln Smith! The newest Project Olivia is featured in alongside her herbal expert Husband John Easterling, is the powerful Documentary „High As Mike“, which deals with the Legislation Problem of Medicinal Cannabis in Australia. Olivia, with the Help of John, had smashing Efforts with the Impact of that healing Plant and both are now on a Mission to promote it while making clear to People that Cannabis has so much more to it than a 60‘s Drug to smoke!
In 2003 Olivia launched her very own Liv Aid (aka Liv kit), a Device for Women to do self-Check-Ups on a monthly Basis. This isn‘t to replace a Doctor‘s Visit or a Mammogram, but it‘s a Reminder that early Detection is Key, which Olivia always and ever remarks. She went on to promote the Liv Aid around the World, especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is October worldwide every Year.
As a spokesperson Olivia is a prominent seen Face during several TV Specials wether as a Participant, Performer or Speaker. The first one I remember was the Fire & Ice Ball in November 1995. Even bigger and arranged around Olivia‘s fourth cancerfree year was the 1996 „Lifetime applauds the Fight against Breast Cancer“ Special with a star-studded Cast featuring Bryan Adams, Sheryl Crow, Kathy Griffin, Sharon Stone, All4-One and many more.
In 1997 Olivia sang along her 1974 Version of „I honestly love you“ to support the Ice-Skating Performance of Kristi Yamaguchi. It was strange seeing her ad-lip singing to the old Version, but this was needed because Yamaguchi had to rehearse on the Point to Perfection for taping the Special! Scott Hamilton, another Cancer Thriver was celebrated with this „Back on Ice“ Special, which saw kind of a Reminisence in November 2009, when the TV Special „Kaleidoscope“ got on Air. This time Olivia was the Host and Dorothy Hamill (touched by Breast Cancer also) the Ice Skater. Scott Hamilton did also appear on the Show, which was co-hosted by Olivia‘s longtime friend Producer David Foster! The lovely Ballad „Hope is always here“ Olivia did perform with a Children‘s Group called „Purple Songs can fly“. In 2010 Olivia sang and spoke at the „Dreamball Gala“ in Berlin and a few years back she and „Amazon John“ joined forces in the US with the Moffit Cancer Center where she appeared on several Occasions like Galas and Anniversarys.
An outstanding Appearance Olivia did on the Sitcom „Murphy Brown“ starring Candice Bergen in 1997. Murphy‘s Character dealt with a Cancer Diagnosis and Olivia appeared for an Auction to urge Murphy spending lots of Money conducting an Orchestra. That Performance prepared Olivia for a big Comeback the Year after.
Two times (of which I know) Olivia was involved with her Name for a Cancer Stamp. One she launched in 2004, alongside her friend Dr. Ernie Bodai and I was lucky to find that Stamp on an Envelope in 2011, in which Olivia did put some autographed Photos for me sent from Florida.
In 2012 the Olivia Newton-John Cancer, Wellness & Research Center brought out their own Stamp, which Olivia presented in July that same year. The ONJCWRC became her biggest Achievement regarding her Cancer Awareness Work. It took Fundraising from 2002 up to today to get the Project going, which Olivia was asked to bear her name by the Austin Hospital/Ludvig Institute way back then. Olivia asked her late Mother Irene about it and she encouraged her daughter to go for it. Since 2013 and after the tragic Loss of her Sister Rona (Olivia‘s Father Brinley died in 1993. her Mother Irene in 2003, Rona in 2013 and just recently her Brother Hugh), Olivia leads a Wellness Walk and Research Run every Year to raise Money for the Wellness Programs at the Hospital and the Amount keeps increasing every Year, because People around the Globe support that special Cause with their own Walks and Events.
Not to forget are some great Awards Olivia‘s been honored with for her charitable Work. In March 1997 she was honored with the „Women Leaders in Action“ Award (US) and the Year after with the „Women in Hollywood“ Award (US). The US Red Cross awarded her a special Spirit Award in 1999 and the same Year the prestigous Cedars Sinai Hospital (where Olivia got treated against Cancer the first time in 1992) had her on their Winners List in November. In Germany Olivia received a „Radio Regenbogen Charity Award“ in March 2010, where she attended the Festivities and also sang a couple of Songs!
Still one of the greatest Memories is THE GREAT WALK TO BEIJING from April 2008 on which Olivia lead a bunch of Cancer Survivors and Celebrities on a 223 KM Hike along the Great Wall of China. The Spectacle was reported all over the World on almost every News Channel and ended up as a one-Hour TV Program a Year later.
Olivia has a very large Family across the Globe on various Continents. No matter which Charity you always find some of her Relatives supporting her.
So did her Nephew Emerson (Rona‘s Son), with whom she created the Campaign „Pink&Blue42“, which raises Funds for Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.
One could get the Impression that Olivia did quite the Opposite of what she‘s saying often during Interviews „Don‘t think or talk about your Illness all the time!“. But she raises Millions of $ and raises Awareness, which makes a huge Differences than „just“ talking about yourself and your Illness.
Even if Cancer won‘t find an End in Olivia‘s Lifetime she surely contributed an entire new Outlook on the Disease and the Dealing with it. She keeps on being inspirational, even if she might‘ve cut short on her Career. She left us countless Memories so far and for sure there will be a lot of unexpetcted Surprises thrown in the Universe in the Future by this remarkable Lady, who definitely earns the Title ROLE MODEL.
Dear beloved friends and cancer thrivers!
My husband and I together are turning 100 years „young“ this year and in September we would like to dedicate our steps and hikes on our favorite Island „La Palma“ to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer, Wellness & Research Center in Melbourne, Australia.
People may ask „What does a Cancer Center in Australia do good for Cancer Patients on the other side of the globe? The answer is pretty simple: the ONJCWRC is one of the best facilities on the planet to provide medical treatment and holistic care for people with cancer and their family members. The research institute has built a worldwide network in order to help other countries with developing their own Cancer & Wellness facilities and to secure high standard research exchange. So this is why people with cancer take benefit from the ONJCWRC all over the world – for all kinds of cancer!
In September we are going to post our walks and hikes on La Palma Island on Facebook and we‘re hoping that many of you out there will sponsor our steps.
We will join Team Grace from Belgium as Team „Los Isleños“ to make sure we can raise as much donations as possible together. We‘ll expect the registration for real and virtual walkers to start during August 2018.
If you‘d like to get some information about the ONJCWRC, please click the following link:
Since 2015 my own „LIV ON“ story is to find on their website too:
We‘d be delighted about every little € or $ donated. Nowadays it‘s pretty easy to pay via Paypal internationally.
We will keep you update, when and how everything starts.
Thanks & Blessings
Kay Bohlen & Rüdiger Haarmann
LIV ON in Glasgow at the RCH/Celtic Connections Festival
Who would have thought we could get another chance to see Olivia Newton-John again on the european shores after that fabulous 2013 UK tour?
Well 2017, four years after the passing of Olivia’s beloved sister Rona, she came over again with her mulit-talented LIV ON collaborators Amy Sky and Beth Nielsen Chapman.
There are so many words to describe the impact of that concert I’ve attended at the Royal Concert Hall on January 24 in Scotland, but let me first start with the beginning of this journey.
I am not good on flying, especially when I am all by myself. But for these three Ladies any stress would’ve been worth and good to bear !
So my flight from Duesseldorf to Glasgow went very smooth with just 45 people on the plane. When I saw the green landscape of Scotland I thought „Boy, what a beautiful countryside“, but I was quite disappointed by the grey and dirty appearance of the city of Glasgow itself.
Anyway, I’ve booked a two nights stay at the Alexander Thompson Hotel, where I would be joined by my Pearls Arielle et Philippe a day later. Familiar faces like Peter and Heike, Robin or Sandra were staying there too. So we could form a little bunch of fangroup eventually.
But the day before the show I’ve met two other special people to keep my spirit up and these were Tosca and Gerko from Holland, whom I’ve met for the first time at a Zamu Event in Cologne way back in 2009.
We stayed in touch ever since and found out we’ve got a lot more in common than ONJ. So I met these guys, we picked up our tickets at the box office and they did invite me for a classic Earl Grey at the RCH Caféteria. We had a chat and later that evening we went to a lovely italian Restaurant having a tasty dinner together. The mood got us talking intensively in the manner of LIV ON while drinking a delicious bottle of Primitivo!
Like on former ONJ Journeys „sleep“ was kind of a foreign word for my body, but at least I didn’t got sick like in the UK in 2013.
My spirit was just too excited about everything. Like a child that doesn’t want to go to sleep at night, frightened about not having another day left...

January 24, the big day of my one and only Concert this time, started with a walk around the City and the Clyde River. Although the weather was quite insufficient I took some pictures to have at least a little impression of Glasgow.
Around 4 o’clock I’ve met with Tosca and Gerko again to be early at the venue catching one of those limited signed CD’s entering the Meet & Greet with Olivia, Beth & Amy. We did it. And apart from London it wasn’t as stressful to get a CD in Dublin or Glasgow from what I’ve heard so far.
The most important thing was, when we were joined by Arielle and Philippe, that we all got our CD’s. Meeting my „Frenchies“again (after four years) was like...“Oh, didn’t we meet just yesterday?“. Like with my dutch friends we get along well, with fun and very relaxed. And we knew we had at least time to spend together after the show and for breakfast the following morning.
We almost don’t need languages to communicate *lol* And Gerko was so gernerous with me that he gave me his ticket to sit more in the front. He took my 5th row ticket in the middle to take a few good pics from the perfect angle. So I was able to sit next to Tosca and not all by myself.
7:30 pm we all were sitting in our seats listening to a traditional 30 minutes set of the John Cusker Band. Very joyable music, from the heart and with very funny introductions! Back to the Lobby. – Pause-
Returning to our seats 20 minutes later and LIV ON was about to start. Olivia, Beth and Amy entered the stage very unpretentiously. Waving at the audience and introducing themselves.
The set was economical, with only guitar, piano and some electronic help from Beth’s iPad.
„My heart goes out to you“ got us all in the mood for the follwing 90 minute show. All the Ladies had their own powerful part during the concert and you could hear and feel how they like each other. Musically, but also respect themselves in the manner of artistry. Their spoken phrases between the songs were spontaneous, funny and sometimes improvised. An oblique tune here and there in the harmonies made the show appear even more real, because the songstresses told us that singing the LIV ON songs made them very emotional as well.
They sang all the songs from the album with some extras thrown in like „This Kiss“ (Faith Hill smash hit), „Phenomenal Woman“( how approprioate for my own personal fansite (, „I Honestly Love You“ and a catchy „Happy Medley“ (feat. Songs from Pharell Williams, The Comedian Harmonists, The Turtles and more).
What I didn’t know was the fact that at some point the audience would be included into the procedure of the concert. We all learned about Olivia’s overcoming cancer and tragic loss of Rona (her older sister), the death of Beth’s former husband in 1994 and her own battle with breast cancer in 2000 and the loss of Amy’s mother in 2012.
They shared these stories and asked the audience if people like to share their stories with them and the audience. I am not sure which bug bit me that night but my hand went up and Olivia said „Yes, someone in the front.“ Weston Mays, the tour manager, handed me a microphone and I was so nervous I’ve dropped my Smartphone on the floor. Tosca took care of it (thank you dear!) and I just talked a bit about my contribution to the site with my LIV ON Story. And: I have that on tape !
A great memory of a special moment that I can relive anytime on my earphones now. Two more people from the audience followed with their stories and after that the Ladies went on with the songs.
The acoustic set and the intimacy of the concert, although there were at least 3000 listeners at the RCH, still amazes me. That was so different from the ONJ concerts I’ve seen so far. It was even like „Well, just let’s do it and see what happens“. No sophisticated light show, costume changes or sing- and clap-along evergreens. This was something else.
Beth and Amy participated in their own right as artists and Olivia was standing in the back and never appeared as the center of the evening. Not even a second! They were all equally placed on stage.
Beth was terribly funny and caught us all with her „Happy-Medley“. Amy rocked the house with „Phenomenal Woman“ and a tearjerking performance of „Forever Blue“ accompanying herself on the Steinway. And not to forget to mention the wonderful talent of Ruth Trimble, who did a great job on backing vocals and various instruments. As I’ve said I loved the impro-effect of the show. So the power women came back on stage for the encore (Immortality) and brought a gentleman with them, who just performed the Celtic Connections Festival two days earlier: Mr. Phil Cunningham. He added soulful flute tunes to the beautiful rendition that the Lady’s did on the 1932 peom by Mary Elizabeth Frye, which was originally titled „Do not stand at my grave and wheep“. Boy what an intense concert this was. And it was over way too soon (as usual). I didn’t take many pictures, but some audios in order to enjoy the whole concert.
Taking pictures and videos always puzzles me and to be honest, nothing is better than the LIVE thing. You can’t bottle memories, it’s just not possible. Security was strict with cameras anyway.
Of course as the lucky ones with a backstage pass we all socialised in front of stagedoor No.10 where a resolutely Weston Mays gave us instructions how to behave for the Meet & Greet. It was all very quick, but very nice.
And I was happy to be in the row with my faves: Tosca, Arielle and Philippe!!!
As it was to my turn Weston said „Please introduce yourself“, but instead he did that for me saying „This is the gentleman from Germany who told his LIV ON Story“ and I got a highly delighted „Hi Kay!“ from the Ladies. That was cute! I’ve handled them my gifts.
Just for the record: I’ve chatted with Amy briefly last year and also with Dianne Gray from the E. Kuebler-Ross Foundation and I’ve asked Dianne about a certain gift to bring which she was more than pleased about. And Olivia, Beth and Amy were all very happy with what I’ve brought: The last documentary about E. Kuebler-Ross called „Facing Death - A Film about LIFE“. It was filmed in 2002 and one of her children were involved in the making of the film. The release was a month after Kuebler-Ross’s death in september 2004. I’ve seen it way back then at the movies and have read many books from her catalogue during my cancer treatment in 2003, which was very moving and helpful to me.
All the three Ladies thanked me for my thoughtful gift, which really made me „HAPPY“ and Olivia even said „Danke schoen“ and Amy wished me continued health. There were so many other things on my mind I would have liked to say, but you know, these moments stay more in a fans’ mind than in the Stars’ mind, so to me it all was more than perfect and beyond my imagination.
We posed for a photo. I got the signed LIV ON CD to pose and the Ladies showed their (still unwrapped) DVD’s.
Olivia is so smart, she was holding the CD correctly, so that her name was readable on the photo. How thoughtful that woman is!
After the Meet & Greet our fangroup went for a very late dinner and chatted in english, french and german. And the following night was short, but at least I got my first real scottish sleeping hours thanks to the declining anticipation. The next morning we had a fun and chatty breakfast at the Alexander, before I got to leave for catching my flight back to Germany at 12 o’clock.
I must say, three months ago I was so unsure of doing this trip or not, but in the end I felt so good having had done this, because I really would have missed a once-in –a-lifetime event.
My other fan-friends got to get more impressions in London at the Union Chapel, but as a senior collector and fan that never gave me second of jealousy. I was just happy of what I’ve experienced and delighted they would have even more precious moments.
Thanks to you, my french friends, thanks to my dutch mates and thanks to Olivia, Amy and Beth for making it all so special. It was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen with multi-talented musicians!!!
And now: let’s live on.....
1 commentaire:
"To 'be loved' is the most basic of human needs. Like a flower, it waters the human soul. But 'to love' is a true blessing."
--Olivia Newton-John
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