jeudi 13 mars 2025


Les mots de MYSTERY DISCS : " Something a little different for my channel. As far as I can tell this is a previously unknown (on the internet at least) recording of the Bacharach and David song. Interestingly this was one of the songs that Newton-John performed on the television talent competition Sing, Sing, Sing in Australia in 1965 (when she was 16). She won the competition, the prize being a trip to Great Britain, where she remained to build her career. Segue is an Australian label, so I presume that she must have recorded this at some point before she left. She later recorded the song again for her 2004 album Indigo - Women Of Song."

Petit trésor partagé : la version de ANYONE WHO HAD A HEART qu'elle a interprété en 1965 lors d'un radio crochet australien pour l'émission SING SING SING, qu'elle a gagné et qui lui a valu son voyage pour la vieille Angleterre !




13 mars 2013 : Ma vie partait en sucette mais j'avais rencontré une fois de plus mon idole dans les coulisses du ROYAL ALBER HALL ! Quelle rencontre .... 

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