mardi 28 avril 2020


I am joining @victoriaprincipalofficial and @salmahayek and all of my followers, AND @marieosmond to post a photo of themselves with a rainbow (my favorite!!!!) and tag @yumi I used my window crystals to create this rainbow on my face as rainbows symbolize unity and hope, and to say thank you to the #NHS and all of the healthcare workers around the world for their courage and endurance. For each tagged rainbow @yumi will donate a month’s worth of meals to @feedingamerica to help support families in need. “Rainbows in Windows” is a children’s book written by @ariannawrotethis and is illustrated by @karo_oh - it follows the story of a young boy named Amos sheltering at home with his mother. Available for free @yumi @national_health_service #thankyounhs #rainbowsinwindows #yumi #feedingamerica #zerohunger #shelterinplace #quarantine2020 #rainbowcolors #togetherwerise #kindnessmatters #hopeliveshere #endhunger #feedamerica #communitysupport #stayinghealthy #stayingsafe #togetherapart
Une publication partagée par Olivia Newton-john (@therealonj) le

I am joining @SalmaHayek and challenge all my followers, as well as @therealonj, to post a photo of themselves with a rainbow and tag @yumi! #REPOST @salmahayek I painted this rainbow on my face because many people are using rainbows 🌈 to symbolize unity and hope, and to thank the #NHS and all the health workers around the world for their courage and endurance. For each tagged rainbow @yumi will donate a month’s worth of meals to @FeedingAmerica to help support families in need. “Rainbows in Windows” is a children’s book written by @ariannawrotethis and is illustrated by @karo_oh - it follows the story of a young boy named Amos sheltering at home with his mother. Available for free @yumi Me pinte este arcoíris 🌈 en la cara porque es un símbolo de unidad y esperanza. Gracias a todos los trabajadores de la salud por su valentía y tenacidad. @national_health_service #thankyounhs . . . #rainbowsinwindows #yumi #feedingamerica #zerohunger #shelterinplace #quarantine2020 #rainbowcolors #togetherwerise #kindnessmatters #hopeliveshere #endhunger #feedamerica #communitysupport #stayinghealthy #stayingsafe #togetherapart
Une publication partagée par Victoria Principal (@victoriaprincipalofficial) le

Une publication partagée par Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek) le

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