Il y a 40 ans John Travolta enflammait les planches à Deauville avec "Grease"
Vendredi 31 août 2018 à 8:32
Par Francis Gaugain, France Bleu Normandie (Calvados - Orne)
La 44ème édition du festival du cinéma américain débute ce vendredi 31 août à Deauville. L'occasion de ce remémorer l'année 1978. Il y a 40 ans, le jeune acteur John Travolta provoquait l'hystérie de ses fans à Deauville avec un film qui deviendra mythique... "Grease"
Il y a 40 ans, en 1978, le festival du cinéma américain de Deauville accueillait Kirk Douglas, Steven Spielberg, Gloria Swanson ou encore Anthony Quinn. Mais c'est un jeune comédien venu d'Hollywood qui avait mis le feu à la 4ème édition du festival. Un certain John Travolta venu accompagner la sortie de son dernier film : "Grease". Il y avait eu une telle hystérie cette année-là à Deauville autour de John Travolta et d'Olivia Newton-john qu'il avait fallu engager, pour la 1ère fois, des gardes du corps... Pour le réalisateur de "Grease" , Randal Kleizer, lui aussi présent à Deauville en 1978, ce souvenir restera "inoubliable".
Grease – The Original Soundtrack From The Motion Picture
L’Angleterre a ressorti GREASE en édition double 33t pour les 40 ans du film .. Universal France le sort ...ENFIN !! le 7 septembre prochain !
vendredi 31 août 2018
jeudi 30 août 2018
GREASE, toujours et ...encore ! Un grand merci à Kay
Aux antipodes d'Olivia Newton-John .. mais j'adore cette artiste un peu décalée ..
L'été s'achève ...
Steve Lukather, de Toto, revient sur ses collaborations préférées, de Miles Davis à «Beat It» en passant par ONJ !
Toto's Steve Lukather shares his favorite collaborations, from Miles Davis to 'Beat It'
"Physical," Olivia Newton-John
I laughed when I heard the lyric to this one when her producer, the great John Farrar, played it for me to do a solo, but I went for it and it was a huge '80s single most people don't know I played on. / J'ai ri quand j'ai entendu les paroles de cette chanson quand son producteur, le grand John Farrar, l'a joué pour moi pour faire un solo, mais je l'ai fait et c'était un énorme single des années 80 .... la plupart des gens ignorent que j'ai joué ce solo !
Aux antipodes d'Olivia Newton-John .. mais j'adore cette artiste un peu décalée ..
L'été s'achève ...
Steve Lukather, de Toto, revient sur ses collaborations préférées, de Miles Davis à «Beat It» en passant par ONJ !
Toto's Steve Lukather shares his favorite collaborations, from Miles Davis to 'Beat It'
"Physical," Olivia Newton-John
I laughed when I heard the lyric to this one when her producer, the great John Farrar, played it for me to do a solo, but I went for it and it was a huge '80s single most people don't know I played on. / J'ai ri quand j'ai entendu les paroles de cette chanson quand son producteur, le grand John Farrar, l'a joué pour moi pour faire un solo, mais je l'ai fait et c'était un énorme single des années 80 .... la plupart des gens ignorent que j'ai joué ce solo !
mercredi 29 août 2018
Closer Weekly
Olivia Newton-John says she’s feeling fine and is ready to release her memoir.
Closer Weekly
7 Sep 2018
The recent cancellation of Olivia Newton-John’s Australian speaking tour sparked fears that the singer’s ongoing cancer battle had hit a setback. But a friend of the star confirms to Closer, “Olivia is doing great!” In fact, says the pal, “She just wrapped up promotions for the 40th anniversary of Grease and she was feeling so well, she was dancing with John Travolta!”
The cancellation of her tour “was due to scheduling, nothing else,” says the friend, adding that it wasn’t a concert tour but just two speaking engagements. And while it’s true the star’s breast cancer, which had been in remission for 25 years, recurred in May 2017, it hasn’t slowed her down. “I think that you can live with cancer like you can live with other things if you take care of yourself,” says Olivia, who is still undergoing treatments.
Olivia has a lot to keep her busy as she approaches her 70th birthday on Sept. 26. Not only has she spent the summer promoting Grease’s anniversary and releasing an album of greatest hits, she’s now gearing up for a book tour. Her new autobiography, Don’t Stop Believin’, will drop on Sept. 10 overseas and this winter in the U.S. She wants it to be “inspirational and encouraging,” says her friend.
One person she’s already inspired is her former co-star John. “She was my favorite thing about doing Grease,” he said at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents Grease 40th Anniversary event in LA on Aug. 16. Of her health battle, he says, “She’s doing really well! She’s a survivor.” —
Lisa Chambers, with reporting by Ilyssa Panitz

Olivia Newton-John "shootée" par le photographe David Steen !
Closer Weekly
7 Sep 2018
The recent cancellation of Olivia Newton-John’s Australian speaking tour sparked fears that the singer’s ongoing cancer battle had hit a setback. But a friend of the star confirms to Closer, “Olivia is doing great!” In fact, says the pal, “She just wrapped up promotions for the 40th anniversary of Grease and she was feeling so well, she was dancing with John Travolta!”
The cancellation of her tour “was due to scheduling, nothing else,” says the friend, adding that it wasn’t a concert tour but just two speaking engagements. And while it’s true the star’s breast cancer, which had been in remission for 25 years, recurred in May 2017, it hasn’t slowed her down. “I think that you can live with cancer like you can live with other things if you take care of yourself,” says Olivia, who is still undergoing treatments.
Olivia has a lot to keep her busy as she approaches her 70th birthday on Sept. 26. Not only has she spent the summer promoting Grease’s anniversary and releasing an album of greatest hits, she’s now gearing up for a book tour. Her new autobiography, Don’t Stop Believin’, will drop on Sept. 10 overseas and this winter in the U.S. She wants it to be “inspirational and encouraging,” says her friend.
One person she’s already inspired is her former co-star John. “She was my favorite thing about doing Grease,” he said at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents Grease 40th Anniversary event in LA on Aug. 16. Of her health battle, he says, “She’s doing really well! She’s a survivor.” —
Lisa Chambers, with reporting by Ilyssa Panitz

Olivia Newton-John "shootée" par le photographe David Steen !
Le chanteur Cliff Richard a annoncé la sortie de son nouvel album 'Rise Up' !
L’album fait suite à la longue et victorieuse bataille juridique entre le chanteur et la BBC après qu’il ait été rapporté en 2014 qu’il faisait l’objet d’une enquête sur des allégations d’agressions sexuelles sur des enfants.
Enregistré aux studios d'Abbey Road à Londres, «Rise Up» verra Richards s'attaquer à «la mauvaise période que j'ai traversée dans ma vie» lors de l'enquête susmentionnée et de la bataille juridique qui a suivi.
L'album traduira également son "nouveau sentiment de liberté".
Et bien sur Olivia Newton-John chantera un nouveau duo avec son ami de toujours !
La sortie de l'album est prévu pour le 23 novembre...
Cliff's new studio album will be titled ''Rise Up'' and will be released on 23rd November 2018. It will feature a duet with Olivia Newton John and also four of his classic tracks reworked using Cliff's original vocals with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. #CliffRichard #RiseUp— Cliff Richard News (@SirCliffNews) 28 août 2018
The veteran singer announced his new LP 'Rise Up' this week
Sir Cliff Richard has spoken about how his newly-announced album ‘Rise Up’ will address “the bad period I went through in my life”.
Richard’s upcoming new record will be his first collection of new songs to be released for over 14 years. The album follows the singer’s long but victorious legal battle with the BBC after it was reported back in 2014 that he was being investigated over historical child sexual assault claims.
The 77-year-old is now looking to resume his music career, with the singer announcing the release of his next studio album ‘Rise Up’, which is due on November 23.
Recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London, ‘Rise Up’ will see Richards tackling “the bad period I went through in my life” during the aforementioned investigation and subsequent legal battle. It’ll also see the singer express his “renewed feeling of freedom”.
Speaking about the title track – which will debut on BBC Radio 2 later this morning (August 29) – Richard said: “I chose Rise Up as the title track because after the bad period I went through in my life, I’ve managed to ‘Rise Up’ out of what seemed like a quagmire.
“I love the lyric ‘They’re never gonna break me down, they’re never gonna take me down, they know I’m gonna rise up feeling stronger’. It is always great to sing lyrics you can ‘feel’ and I really felt those words!
“So, I believe that we have the right title for the album and I am so thrilled in the way that it has turned out.”
Richard also hopes that his new material might attract a “new audience” for his music.
“It has been put to me that a new audience might give me a ‘listen to’, and that is an exciting thought, and if they do and don’t like it they can buy something els,” he said.
“Give me a chance, that is all we can ask… close your eyes and tune in. My longevity should be considered a plus, not a drawback.”
Around the world ou presque ...
mardi 28 août 2018
Everybody’s Someone
Sir Cliff Richard sortira un nouvel album inspiré d'une "mauvaise période", Olivia Newton-John fait partie du projet, chantant un duo sur le morceau 'Everybody's Someone' !
Sir Cliff Richard has said he is back “for real” and hoping to click with younger music fans as he releases his first original material in 14 years.
The pop legend, 77, feared he would never get to share new songs again during his bitter court fight with the BBC.
But he has told of how new album Rise Up was inspired by that “bad period” – and its title is poignant as he has now broken free from his own “quagmire”.
Cliff spoke a month after his landmark privacy victory against the broadcaster and in the week he celebrates the 60th anniversary of debut single Move It.
Cliff reunites with Grease star Olivia Newton-John for the first time in 23 years on the album, singing a duet on the track Everybody’s Someone.
From Leif Garrett to Peter Frampton and Andy Gibb, Aussie designer Fleur Thiemeyer has dressed them all.
"In the late '60s, I was making clothes for The Valentines, Bon Scott, Zoot, Russell Morris, and in the end, I married Darryl Cotton from Zoot," she opened up to Laurel, Gary & Mark.
If you're immediately reminded of Zoot's iconic pink suits, then you'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that Fleur's responsible for those. And, The Easybeats song 'Sorry'? Yep, Fleur Thiemeyer is that 'Fleur'!
But, things got even better for Fleur when Olivia Newton-John entered the scene.
An Olivia Newton-John Retrospective
Alors je prends le train en marche et donne un coup de chapeau au site !
On peut ne pas être d’accord avec le point de vue de l’auteur mais Kevin John Coyne a joliment détaillé la carrière d'Olivia Newton-John à travers les années !
Bravo !
Retro Photo
28 Aug 2018
There’s nothing like catching up with an old friend – especially when it’s 40 years since you first met! That’s exactly what John Travolta, 64, and Olivia Newton-John, 69, did to mark the 40th anniversary of cult movie Grease. They played high school couple Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson. Four decades on, we just have one thing to say: ‘ We still want to be a Pink Lady!’
L'eau à la bouche
Les mémoires d'Olivia Newton-John sortent dans moins de 15 jours et toujours pas la moindre pub .. le moindre buzz ... la moindre petite phrase qui pourrait donner l’envie de ... il doit y avoir des "scheduling conflicts" avec la Wellness Walk .. c'est sur ! A moins que l'artillerie lourde sorte dans la semaine qui précède la sortie ...
L’article complet !
Grease is lighting….still
Un grand merci à Kay pour les articles !
28 Aug 2018
There’s nothing like catching up with an old friend – especially when it’s 40 years since you first met! That’s exactly what John Travolta, 64, and Olivia Newton-John, 69, did to mark the 40th anniversary of cult movie Grease. They played high school couple Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson. Four decades on, we just have one thing to say: ‘ We still want to be a Pink Lady!’
L'eau à la bouche
Les mémoires d'Olivia Newton-John sortent dans moins de 15 jours et toujours pas la moindre pub .. le moindre buzz ... la moindre petite phrase qui pourrait donner l’envie de ... il doit y avoir des "scheduling conflicts" avec la Wellness Walk .. c'est sur ! A moins que l'artillerie lourde sorte dans la semaine qui précède la sortie ...
L’article complet !
Grease is lighting….still
Un grand merci à Kay pour les articles !
lundi 27 août 2018
dimanche 26 août 2018
August 25, 1978
Le célèbre titre Summer Nights sorti un 25 août 1978 est extrait du film Grease sortie en 1978, interprétée par le duo John Travolta et Olivia Newton-John !
La chanson a été écrite et composée par Jim Jacobs et Warren Casey. "Summer Nights" est devenu un énorme succès aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni au cours de l'été 1978
"Summer Nights" a été initialement écrit pour le spectacle monté à Broadway. La version originale de la comédie musicale de Chicago (mise en scène une seule fois depuis les années 1970) comportait une chanson différente, "Foster Beach".
August 26, 1978
.... dans le Billboard, on pouvait voir ;
STILL electrifying !
New Zealand Woman’s Weekly
27 Aug 2018
It’s like no time has passed at all... well, almost! Rydell High’s favourite couple John Travolta (64) and Olivia Newton-John (69) proved they still go together as they celebrated the 40th anniversary of Grease last week – and they just couldn’t resist busting out a few old dance moves too!
The pair, who played Danny and Sandy in the hit film, have maintained a special friendship since filming. “When you share that kind of meteoric success − and nothing has been able to exceed it − you share a bond,” John tells.
“I’ve been through her having a child, getting divorced, losing her sister. She’s been through my getting married, having children. It’s wonderful.”
Retro photo
ET DE 10 !!
Le blog One Woman's Journey .... à déjà 10 ans ! Un grand merci à Arielle, Kay, Paul, Luke et Naoki ! et moi je célèbre aussi 40 ans de fanatisme !! c'est chaud !!
The Grease song
"Grease" is a song written by Barry Gibb and performed by Frankie Valli. "Grease" is the title song for the 1978 musical motion picture Grease. It sold over seven million copies worldwide !! The film's director Randal Kleiser did not like the added songs because they did not fit the late-1950s/early 1960s style musically or lyrically / "Grease" est une chanson écrite par Barry Gibb et interprétée par Frankie Valli. "Grease" est la chanson-titre du film musical Grease en 1978. Elle a été vendue à plus de sept millions d'exemplaires dans le monde entier ! Le réalisateur Randal Kleiser n'aimait pas la chanson car elle ne correspondait pas au style musical de la fin des années 50 ou du début des années 60 ..
Le 26 août 1978 Franki Valli sera le numéro 1 du Hot 100 et ce pour 2 semaines !
The Grease song
Peaked at #1 on 8.26.1978 / 2 weeks at peak !
"Grease" is a song written by Barry Gibb and performed by Frankie Valli. "Grease" is the title song for the 1978 musical motion picture Grease. It sold over seven million copies worldwide !! The film's director Randal Kleiser did not like the added songs because they did not fit the late-1950s/early 1960s style musically or lyrically / "Grease" est une chanson écrite par Barry Gibb et interprétée par Frankie Valli. "Grease" est la chanson-titre du film musical Grease en 1978. Elle a été vendue à plus de sept millions d'exemplaires dans le monde entier ! Le réalisateur Randal Kleiser n'aimait pas la chanson car elle ne correspondait pas au style musical de la fin des années 50 ou du début des années 60 ..
Le 26 août 1978 Franki Valli sera le numéro 1 du Hot 100 et ce pour 2 semaines !
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