vendredi 31 juillet 2015

GREASE Sing A Long

Local american theaters are reviving a number of vintage favorites for film fans during August, ranging from the fourth “Star Trek” movie to the sing-along version of “Grease” to the Sinatra-Crosby teaming of “High Society."

Go back to high school with Sandy & Danny with TCM Presents Grease-Sing-A-Long, August 16th and 19th with a special introduction from Turner Classic Movies. Get your tickets now !

L'été sera GREASE ! De nombreux cinémas américains diffuseront quelques classics durant le moi d'août !
GREASE dans sa version "karaoké" sera diffusé du 16 au 19 !

Source :

Un Drive-In sera mis sur pied à la mi-août dans la cour du CERM, à Martigny en Suisse. le 15 août "Grease" sera diffusé sur un écran géant de 9 m X 5 m! La cour du CERM aura la possibilité d’accueillir soixante véhicules.

Le contenu

Le DVD de la tournée TWO STRONG HEARTS Live In Concert se décline sur 2 DVD compact !
Coup de chance .. le DVD est en zone O .. c'est à dire qu'il peut se lire dans tous les pays !


Two Strong Hearts
Let Me Be There
Have You Never Been Mellow
I Honestly Love You
Tenterfield Saddler
No One Comes Close
Love To Shine
Age Of Reason
That's Freedom
Dare To Dream


Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Burn For You
Hit The Road Jack/Fever
Cry Me A River
A Little More Love
Hopelessly Devoted To You
You're The One That I Want
Summer Nights
Man Of The Hour
Pressure Down
Playing To Win
Hearts On Fire
If Not For You
Everytime You Cry
You're The Voice
It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Want To Rock 'N' Roll)

La date est toujours maintenue au 21 août 2015 
Source : JB Hi-Fi


- The Flyers !

Après la vidéo d'ONJ annonçant sa venue au Share Night Club de Las vegas le 8 août prochain pour promouvoir en "exclu lulu" son dernier vidéo clip "You Have To Believe" .. voici le flyers !

ONJ se rendra (sans doute) dans ce club après sa prestation au Flamingo Hotel ... et petit détail qui pourrait avoir de l'importance .. le Share Night Club est réservé aux messieurs qui aiment les messieurs ...

mardi 28 juillet 2015

At The Share Nightclub

lundi 27 juillet 2015

From Australia to Vegas and back again

Just after releasing her 35th album, Olivia Newton-John is returning to Australia to raise money for the annual Wellness Walk amongst other great ambitions for the future.

dimanche 26 juillet 2015

Un grammy perdu

Olivia Newton-John has won four Grammys, but she can’t find one of them.

“One of them got lost,” she told me during an interview last week.

She’s not sure which one it was, which means she is not big on keeping them front and center in her life.

She won her first in 1973, for best female country vocal performance for “Let Me Be There.”
In 1974, she won two: “I Honestly Love You” won record of the year and best female pop vocal performance.

She won the Grammys’ inaugural video of the year award in 1982 for “Physical.”

She asked the Grammy Awards governing body, the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, if she could get a replica but was turned down, she said.
“I guess they didn’t believe me,” she said, with a laugh.

One year, she said, Grammy presenter John Lennon introduced her as “Olivia John-Newton.”

Her best Beatles moment?

“I met the Beatles at Abbey Road (recording studio) when I was a very young girl when I was recording,” she said

Source :  ReviewJournal

Olivia Newton-John a remporté quatre Grammy Awards, mais il semble qu'elle en ait perdu un.

"L'un d'entre eux s'est perdu," a t-elle confié à un journaliste lors d'une interview la semaine dernière.

Elle ne sait pas nom plus lequel d'entre eux s'est égaré !

ONJ a remporté son premier Grammy en 1973, celui de la meilleure performance vocale féminine pour "Let Me Be There".
En 1974, elle en a remporté deux ! "I Honestly Love You" a remporté celui du disque de l'année ainsi que celui de la meilleure performance vocale pop féminine.

Elle a également remporté le tout premier Grammy créé pour récompenser les vidéo clips en 1982 pour Physical.

Elle a de ce fait demandé au directeur des Grammy Awards, si elle pouvait obtenir une réplique de celui qu'elle a perdu mais sa requête a été rejetée ! "Je suppose qu'ils ne m'ont pas cru," dit-elle en riant.

Une fois, John Lennon lui a présenté un Grammy pour la meilleure chanteuse de l'année en l'appelant  "Olivia John-Newton"

Son meilleur moment avec les Beatles ?

"J'ai rencontré les Beatles à Abbey Road (studio d'enregistrement) quand j'étais une très jeune fille lorsque j'enregistrais las-bas " a t-elle confié.

samedi 25 juillet 2015

The nicest 'insult' Newton-John ever received

By Doug Elfman
Las Vegas Review-Journal

And then there was the time Barbara Bush told Olivia Newton-John she was "ugly" — but calm down, political animals, it was a joke.

Newton-John told me this story after I asked her to name the most famous fan she ever met.

She went back in time to the day she was in the company of then-President George H.W. Bush and first lady Barbara Bush.

"President Bush said to me, 'Oh, it's so lovely to see you again, we had dinner.'"

Newton-John thought, "I don't remember that," which may have seemed odd, of course, except it turned out they had met when Bush was merely vice president, a more forgettable position, perhaps, to an Australian singer.

"So I go to his wife, and I said to Barbara, 'I can't believe that your husband remembered me from a dinner,'" Newton-John said.

Barbara Bush told Newton-John, "It's because you're so ugly, dear,'" Newton-John recalled and laughed.

"I've loved her from that moment on. She was gorgeous," Newton-John said.


Lors d'un dîner (on suppose) à la maison blanche la first lady Barbara Bush avait lâché à ONJ  "C'est parce que vous êtes si laide, très chère, que mon mari c'est souvenu de vous" !
ONJ ne se rappelait pas d'un précédent dîner avec les Bush .. Georges .. si ! .... étonnant !


- Top of the Top !

Un grand merci à Eddie O pour avoir téléchargé sur Youtube ces quelques vidéos de la célèbre émission anglaise Top Of The Pop avec une Neutron Bomb au top de sa beauté en 1980 venue défendre son film XANADU !


Olivia Newton-John et John Farnham ne sont plus numéro 1 en Australie avec leur album live TWO STRONG HEARTS. Les 2 stars rétrogradent à la 6ème place pour cette 4ème semaine du 27/07/2015.

C'est l'excellent album de Tame Impala qui domine cette semaine les charts australiens !


01 NE 01 Tame Impala - Currents
02 02 28 Meghan Trainor - Title
03 04 39 Taylor Swift - 1989
04 03 57 Ed Sheeran - x
05 NE 01 The Chemical Brothers - Born In The Echoes
06 01 04 John Farnham & Olivia Newton-John - Two Strong Hearts
07 42 13 Josh Groban - Stages
08 07 08 Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
09 08 61 Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour
10 NE 01 Soundtrack - Magic Mike XXL (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
11 09 12 Mumford & Sons - Wilder Mind
12 NE 01 MS MR - How Does It Feel
13 14 05 David Bowie - Nothing Has Changed (The Best Of David Bowie)
14 11 376 Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of Fleetwood Mac
15 16 82 Soundtrack - Frozen: The Songs
16 10 152 INXS - The Very Best
17 12 53 Sia - 1000 Forms Of Fear
18 18 18 James Bay - Chaos And The Calm
19 13 11 Soundtrack - Pitch Perfect 2
20 RE 61 The Eagles - The Complete Greatest Hits


Flamingo headliner Olivia Newton-John has teamed up with her nephew, professional race car driver Emerson Newton-John, to launch a wine brand to support cancer awareness and treatment.
They unveiled the wine, Pink and Blue for Two, also known as PB42, at a media event Wednesday at the Flamingo's Center Cut Steakhouse, where the wines will be sold.

She made the final decisions on the two varietals and went with a 2013 Anderson Valley chardonnay and a 2013 Lodi merlot. She's a merlot fan, she said.

A portion of all proceeds from the sale of the wines will benefit the Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre.

Last month marked her return to major recording labels when she collaborated on a new live album with another Australian singing legend, John Farnham. The CD, titled "€œTwo Strong Hearts,"€ topped Australia's Aria Albums chart.

FOX5 Vegas - KVVU

vendredi 24 juillet 2015


L’Associated Press publie 17.000 heures d'archives historiques sur Youtube !

La chute du mur de Berlin, l'investiture de Barack Obama, un concert d'Elvis Prestley... Certains moments historiques méritent d'être vus et partagés gratuitement.
Partant de ce constat, l'associated Press et British Movietone ont décidé de mettre à disposition leurs archives vidéos sur Youtube. Plus de 120 ans d'histoire désormais disponible via deux chaînes composées de près de 550 000 vidéos.

On appréciera de voir Olivia Newton-John, Abba ou les BEE GEES en mode répétition pour le concert donné en faveur de l'UNICEF au mois de janvier de l'année 1979.

Various international pop singers in cluding Abba, the Bee Gees and Olivia Newton John rehearsing for special concert in aid of UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) at the United Antions in New York

Olivia Newton John raising awareness one sip at a time

Last night Olivia Newton-John and her nephew, Emerson celebrated the launch of Pink and Blue for Two wines.

The campaign encourages couples to proactively assist one another in making appointments for annual screenings and a portion of the wine sales will benefit the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center.


Une petite vidéo extraite d'une tournée de 1976 au Japon ... en superbe qualité ... HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW .. un régal !

jeudi 23 juillet 2015

#throwback thursday


Flamingo Las Vegas ‏@FlamingoVegas 

The @PinkandBluefor2 2013 Chardonnay and 2013 Merlot are now available for purchase in our retail stores.

Dayna Roselli ‏@DaynaRoselli 

Pink & Blue encourages couples to get checked for cancer together & be aware.

- 1989

Olivia Newton-John, 1989
Okay, her hair was big, but we really wanted to sneak this picture in because of that dress. (

Le visuel

Sans réel surprise le visuel du dvd tant attendu du TWO STRONG HEARTS - LIVE IN CONCERT ... toujours prévu pour le 21 aout prochain ... en Australie .. of course ! 

Source : Sanity
Format: DVD
Release Date: 21/08/2015
Catalogue No. 88875114119
SKU No. 2298860

- 40 ans de blockbusters hollywoodiens : Grease (1978)

Le blockbuster a 40 ans. Pour célébrer la quarantaine d'un genre né avec Les Dents de la mer de Steven Spielberg, voici la série d'été concocté par le site PREMIERE sur 40 ans de blockbusters de légende à Hollywood. Deuxième épisode : Grease.

Fin 1978, la bande originale de Grease est le deuxième plus gros succès de l'année aux USA, derrière la BO de La Fièvre du samedi soir. Pas besoin d'être Sherlock pour repérer le point commun entre les deux films : John Travolta.
Si Saturday Night Fever possède un réalisme un peu crade qui fait de lui le cousin disco-gominé pas si lointain de Rocky (d'ailleurs, un poster du film apparaît dans La Fièvre, qui a failli être shooté par John Avildsen), Grease est lui un produit inoffensif, pur sucre, fait pour capitaliser sur l'énorme succès de la comédie musicale éponyme et qui édulcorera fortement le matériau d'origine.

Revenons un peu en arrière. 1971 : Grease, romance dans des années 50 fantasmées entre un blouson noir gominé (greaser) et une jeune fille innocente, est créé à Chicago sur les planches du club de blues Kingston Mines. Son succès attira l'oeil de producteurs de New York qui décidèrent de tester le musical off-Broadway. Carton.
Résultat, dès 1972, Grease passe au Broadhurst Theatre de New York avec Barry Bostwick (futur Brad Majors -asshole !- du Rocky Horror Picture Show) dans le rôle du héros, Danny. Qui sera joué par Richard Gere quand Grease fera le voyage Londres dans le West End en 1973. C'est le début d'un des plus longs cartons de l'histoire de Broadway.
Une adaptation cinéma semble alors inévitable. Une version animée est d'abord envisagée, produite par Steve Krantz (complice de Ralph Bakshi sur Fritz le Chat et Heavy Traffic). Une idée vite jetée à la poubelle, mais qui survivra à travers le générique animé du film.

En 1976, un certain John Travolta, qui avait fait partie de la tournée Grease en-dehors de New York, venait de connaître un certain succès avec sa chanson "Let Her In". Juste après le tournage de La Fièvre du samedi soir, il est engagé pour tenir le rôle de Danny à la place d'Henry Winkler (Fonzie de Happy Days), premier choix trop évident. Travolta demande à ce qu'on engage Randal Kleiser, qui l'avait dirigé en 1976 dans le téléfilm The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, pour tenir la caméra.

Après un screentest convaincant avec Travolta, Olivia Newton-John est engagée pour tenir le rôle de Sandy. Australienne d'origine anglaise, Olivia avait représenté le Royaume-Uni pendant l'Eurovision de 1974 (celle où Abba a fait Waterloo) et enchaîne les hits aux USA avec ses albums country. Elle connaît suffisamment de succès pour sortir en 1977 un Greatest Hits qui affole les charts. Mais côté actrice, c'était le désert : sa comédie musicale Toomorow, tournée en Angleterre, ne tint qu'une semaine à l'affiche suite à un conflit ouvert entre le producteur et le réalisateur....

La suite sur le site

Les photos du jour

Olivia Newton-John and Emerson Newton-John host a benefit for the Olivia Newton-John Cancer And Wellness Centre with the unveiling of PB42 wines at the Center Cut Steakhouse at Flamingo Las Vegas on July 22, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Hier en fin d'après midi .... ONJ et son neveu Emerson Newton-John au Center Cut Steakhouse du Flamingo Hotel de Las Vegas partageaient quelques verres de Chardonnay ou de Merlot , du meilleur cru de la cave de Pink & Blue 4 Two  ... avec les quelques invités présents.... le tout au profit du Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre.




mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Kay au rapport

My today contribution is a rare Flexi 7" from the german Magazine "Pop". Olivia won 2 Golden Hammers in 1978 for best Actress & favorite Singer, so when she got those Awards presented at her Visit to Germany in November 1978 the Editors recorded a short message for the Readers of Pop: "Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren - is that right? (laughs). This is Olivia Newton-John. I'd like to thank you all very much for voting me two Golden Hammers. Ok, is was nice enough to win one, but two is extra nice. Danke schön!"

- Pop Melody maker

Dans la serie des scans de Kay voici ceux du magazine Pop Melody Maker du 25 janvier 1979.

Fuzzy Memories

Ou ONJ for The Holidays .. certes nous ne sommes pas encore en fin d'année mais cette courte pub pour son album ONJ Greatest Hits Volume 1 sortit en 1977 .. valait un sérieux coup d'oeil !!

- La cover

Celle d'un certain Brian Collins sur le If You Love Me, Let Me know ! En 1977 il se classera à la 83ème place des charts US !


Si vous êtes de passage à Las Vegas, vous pourrez aujourd'hui, rencontrer Olivia Newton-John dans le cadre d'une dégustation de vins .. Chardonnay ou merlot et ainsi soutenir la star dans ses actions pour lutter contre le cancer du sein .. et de la prostate !
ONJ ambassadrice de l'association Pink & Blue For Two sera présente cet après midi au Center Cut Steakhouse du Flamingo Hotel de Vegas ... de 4 à 5 heures !
Il vous faudra sans aucun doute une invitation pour participer à cet évenement au profit du Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre !

mardi 21 juillet 2015

Share Night Club

Olivia Newton-John ira faire la promotion (seule ?) de son futur dernier clip vidéo ( partagé avec sa fille Chloe Lattanzi ) au SHARE NIGHT CLUB  de Las Vegas le 8 août prochain ! 

Elle sera la special guest de Dave Audé .. le monsieur qui a produit ce dernier duo MAGIC/ You Have To Believe revisité tendance Electro Dance House ... 

DJ Dave Aude and SPECIAL appearance by Olivia Newton-John on August 8th!!!!


Plus cool ou plus enlevé voici 2 derniers mixes du célèbre PHYSICAL d'ONJ !
A chacun son rythme !

- Ebay

Restons au début des années 80 avec ces 2 clichés empruntés au site EBAY. ONJ avec sa soeur Rona et le regretté Jeff Conaway et plus bas avec l'actrice Dyan cannon !

lundi 20 juillet 2015

dimanche 19 juillet 2015

Le MashUp du jour

Quand le maestro mélange deux mélodies .. celles d'Olivia et Madonna .. ça pourrait donner ""Bitch I'm Daybeat !""

samedi 18 juillet 2015

RE RE number 1

For a third straight week Aussie legends John Farnham and Olivia Newton-John topped the Albums Chart again with their live concert album, Two Strong Hearts, while Meghan Trainor, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift again retained second, third and fourth spots respectively.

Le site français affiche le dernier classement des meilleures ventes d'albums en Australie. 

Olivia Newton-John et John farnham sont toujours numéro 1 pour la 3ème semaine consécutive avec leur album TWO STRONG HEARTS LIVE !

01 01 03 John Farnham & Olivia Newton-John - Two Strong Hearts
02 02 27 Meghan Trainor - Title
03 03 56 Ed Sheeran - x
04 04 38 Taylor Swift - 1989
05 NE 01 Years & Years - Communion
06 NE 01 Tuka - Life Death Time Eternal
07 05 07 Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
08 07 60 Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour
09 09 11 Mumford & Sons - Wilder Mind
10 25 151 INXS - The Very Best
11 RE 375 Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of Fleetwood Mac
12 13 52 Sia - 1000 Forms Of Fear
13 11 10 Soundtrack - Pitch Perfect 2
14 38 04 David Bowie - Nothing Has Changed (The Best Of David Bowie)
15 12 06 Muse - Drones
16 15 81 Soundtrack - Frozen: The Songs
17 14 09 Hermitude - Dark Night Sweet Light
18 17 17 James Bay - Chaos And The Calm
19 NE 01 R5 - Sometime Last Night
20 26 49 Hilltop Hoods - Walking Under Stars

L'album est aussi certifié, pour le moment, disque d'Or ! ( + 35 000 copies )

- Catch Her ( If you Can ! )

For almost a half century, Olivia Newton-John has been making music and movie magic. With 100 million albums sold, four Grammy Awards, numerous Country Music, American Music, Billboard and People’s Choice Awards, an Emmy Award, ten #1 hits and more than 15 top 10 singles and star of the most successful movie musicals of all time, Grease, Olivia has earned her crown of the famed Las Vegas strip.

Newton-John is currently holding court at the Flamingo Las Vegas, performing her retrospective residency “Summer Nights,” which earned an extended run through January, 2016. The production features an eight-piece band and takes fans on a journey through her accomplished life and career. Performing notable hits from the early years as well as favorites from “Grease” to the idyllic “Xanadu” and her ’80s workout anthem “Physical.” At 66, Newton-John is a force to be reckoned with.

Hits and accolades aside, Olivia has used her celebrity to raise awareness on LGBT issues from AIDS to marriage equality. In 1992, Olivia fought and won a public battle with breast cancer; she is a survivor. Olivia’s ability to overcome, to triumph and carry on has cemented her legacy as a beloved icon.

Her show should be called “Catch Me If You Can” because it was not easy getting Olivia to slow down to speak with me. I caught up with the Superstar while on holiday to discuss her activism, career, wellness and her friendships with legendary Vegas headliners past and present.

Hi Olivia, you have publicly advocated marriage equality, performed at numerous Pride events and even recorded a song promoting safe sex. I’m curious, what prompted you to speak up on LGBT issues?

Well, my LGBT fan base has always been one of my most devoted and loving throughout my career. I feel as an artist it is important to use the world stage (so to speak) to bring awareness to issues that really matter to me and that have an impact on everyone. I recorded “Love and Let Live” which was important to me because I was losing so many people I knew to AIDS – it was terrible — so that song was my way of using my voice to bring awareness to the topic, which in 1988, was still taboo to speak about. As for marriage equality – love is love – no one has the right to judge or deny couples who love each other the ability to make a marriage commitment. I was thrilled when I learned of the recent Supreme Court ruling!

Over the years, music has touched and inspired so many, “Magic” has a powerful message of finding inner strength. Where do you draw your strength?

I draw my strength by the love and support of my husband John, my daughter and my dear friends who have been with me through thick and thin! I’ve been so lucky to have had some wonderful songwriters and producers in my life, especially – John Farrar who is a lifelong dear friend. He wrote or produced most of my hits, including the song “Magic” which has such a universal and positive message. In fact, my daughter Chloe Lattanzi and I just recorded a new dance version with some new lyrics, produced by the amazing Dave Audé. We are planning a very special launch of the music video on August 8th in Vegas – 35 years to the day that Xanadu was released in movie theaters back in 1980. Where has the time gone??

Vegas being a mecca for many icons like Celine, Cher, Bette and now Britney, Mariah and soon JLo. Do you feel there a comradery among performers?

Absolutely! We all know each other. Unfortunately, we work at the same times and it can be hard to see each other because of our schedules- I admire them all. Cher and I shared the same manager for years – so we go way back. Bette and I have known each other a long time too- Bette’s daughter and my daughter went to school together and we were part of a “mom’s group” for many years when they were very young. Britney was my next door neighbor in Malibu and we would see each other in the neighborhood! I love Celine and JLo is going to be a wonderful addition to Vegas. I look forward to catching up with the girls, if we can make it work! A few weeks’ ago Mariah invited me over for a Memorial Day BBQ. It was great to catch up with her – what an amazing singer songwriter she is- it was an unexpected and fun night!

A portion of every ticket sold to your shows in Las Vegas will benefit the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center in Australia. In addition to traditional medicine, why is something like a wellness center important?

Thank you for bringing this up. Every person who attends my show is actually helping someone going through the cancer journey. Isn’t that great? When I went through my journey back in 1992, I was lucky enough to have access to resources that many people do not -that help heal your whole person – body, mind and spirt. Though I did have traditional chemo treatments, I coupled them with complimentary therapies which we are now offering at the ONJCWC.

Headlining your own Vegas show must be pretty vigorous. How you do get “Physical”?

It’s a tough schedule but I really am loving being in Vegas. The only challenge is the dry air – that’s usually a singer’s first comment about Vegas. I stay hydrated, drink lots of water and tea! I love to walk and take hikes with my husband and my dog Raven in Red Rock Canyon. It’s so beautiful out there – if you come to Vegas you should try an afternoon away from the Strip to take in the area’s wonderful natural beauty. Being in nature is something I need to do every day – I need to be out in Mother Nature! And, of course I try to eat healthy and organic foods!

Is a Vegas show something you always wanted to do?

I’ve been playing Vegas since the early 70s! I have to say I’ve performed in so many different showrooms here through the years and I’ve had fun but, never saw myself doing a residency. But, oh my goodness Vegas has changed – it used be just casinos and gambling. Now it has amazing restaurants, spas, shows and wonderful shopping! My husband and I are really loving it here and, it’s the most normal “job” and schedule I’ve ever had! There is no traveling, I get to sleep in the same bed every night, and have a regular schedule – it’s lovely!

What’s the most fun part of the show for you to perform?

Well, I have so many great moments every night – every show is special and to sing and play with my band – the best in Vegas I may add! – is always fun! I take the audience on a musical journey with me through my career. I’ve been lucky to have had some wonderful songs in my career that I hope touch the audience in some way!

As an actress and having starred in one of the most iconic films of all time, was Grease just a blast to make? It sure looked like a good time!

It was a very special time in my life. The energy on that set was magical – we had no idea it was going to become the ongoing success it has!! We truly had so much fun – it was a summer I will never forget!

In Grease, we saw you transform from the “sweet and innocent” Sandy to the “bad girl” Sandy, which one do you identify with more?

Oh, I think there’s a little bit of both of them in all of us…don’t you? But, I’m not going to tell you which one I identify with more! (Laughing).

What can fans expect next?

I’ll be in Vegas working on my show. I’ll be promoting my dance single with my daughter Chloe. I’m working on a new CD too. Of course, I have ongoing events to raise funds for the Wellness Center. That’s all keeping me pretty busy! But right now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my holiday !!

Source :

Dans l'une de ses dernières newsletters (et ce n'est plus du tout un secret pour un grand nombre des fans d'ONJ) Amy Sky confirme aussi qu'elle recommence à  travailler avec ONJ et Beth Nielsen Chapman sur un nouveau projet en trio : "And speaking of healing music, I am excited to share that this month, I will begin recording a trio project with Olivia Newton John and Beth Nielsen Chapman. The songs on the CD, set to be released in 2016, are all chosen to help people transform their grief and loss into hope and healing."

Ce nouvel opus qui devrait voir le jour en 2016 a pour but d'aider les gens à transformer leur douleur et la perte d'un être cher en espoir et guérison  . Personne ne sait encore si ONJ est la seule principale interprète de se nouveau projet alléchant !

Hollywood memories

Olivia Newton-John, 1978, sur le tapis rouge des Oscars, au bras de son manager/petit ami Lee kramer !

Source : ebay

- Neues Film Programm

De la collection de Kay ce programme de 1984 donné aux spectateurs allemands lors des projections du film ZWEI VOM GLEICHEN SCHLAG .. ( Seconde Chance / Two Of A Kind )


Autre "goodies" de la malle aux trésors de Kay, ce magazine allemand BRAVO du joli mois de mai 1981 ou lorsque ONJ retrouvait son bon ami Cliff !

mercredi 15 juillet 2015


La sortie du DVD australien 2 STRONG HEARTS TOUR LIVE est repoussé au 21 aout .. espérons que ce soit la bonne date de sortie !

The release date for TWO STRONG HEARTS TOUR LIVE on DVD is 21st of August, which we believe to be the original release date.....

(Info SANITY /Kay)

- Retro photo

"Quand le mari d'Olivia Newton-John  décide de pousser la galanterie à l'extrème... Si sa femme désire boire un verre d'eau, c'est lui qui lui porte à la bouche ! La classe !" (Pure People)

mardi 14 juillet 2015

C'était un

C'est un 14 juillet 1992 qu'Olivia Newton-John annonçait à la presse qu'elle avait un cancer au sein.

On July 14, 1992, Olivia announced to the world that she had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

- Kay au rapport

In 1988 Olivia had her last Solo-Hit on the german Charts with "The Rumour". Luckily she came over to promote the Song and Album in Germany, France, Great Britain and Scandinavia.

She even appeared on the famous german Game Show "Wetten Dass", which helped catapulting the Song onto the german Hot 100 (Chart Position # 36). Thanks to Elton John's popularity over here the Song and Video were well promoted on TV and Radio Stations. My Parents even tried to get myself in touch with Olivia through their Connections to Phonogram. Unfortunately Olivia's schedule was to packed they've refused to get an Appointment in for me. (Sigh!)
August 1988 I already saw myself working at my Father's Record Store and I was kneen on getting Olivia's new Album sold. Phonogram/Mercury, Olivia's then Record Company in Europe (their Master Office was placed in Hamburg) did some funny and great promotional Gimmicks to underline "The Rumour" for Music Retailers.
When the Single came out they've sent a little red one-way Camera with the lettering as it appears on the Single and the Album. After the Single charted I was really curious if Phonogram were going to release another Single.

I phoned them up to get any Info, but unfortunately the Guy on the other End of the Phone told me that there was no other Release planned for the german Market. But: shortly before Christmas 1988 Phonogram presented their Retailers a pink Scarf with the lettering of the aussie 7" of "Can't we talk it over in bed", including a Letter saying: "Thank you very much for helping become >The Rumour< an instant Success. Merry Christmas"!

My Dad had fine Connections to Record Companies back then and he managed to get the VHS Press-Kit for the Album, which later appeared on an Only Olivia tapetree DVD.

Those same Interview segments were used for the very rare "Olivia talks about The Rumour" promotional Interview CD, which appears pretty rarely nowadays.

The sound quality isn't the very best, but it's still a nice Gemm that Fans chase after. It was certainly a different Time and definitely we had no Internet or Access to digital Media. My late friend "O" and I visited Marion S., who was co-Leader of the german Olivia Fan-Club "Desperate Times", in Frankfurt. We had a great Time flicking through her Collection and chatting about Olivia's Music and the upcoming TV Special "Olivia Down Under", of which Marion managed to get a Preview for us.

Although I sometimes regret having sold many of my Collector's items I have kept the Photos we took in Frankfurt in 1988 with that legendary "The Rumour" one-way Camera !