lundi 26 novembre 2018


There were those in my inner circle who told me that my post GREASE life would be very different - and they were a hundred percent on the mark. That point was driven home when I began to tour again and found myself in France, where the movie was a huge hit.
I had a night off before my show and wanted to blow off some steam. Why not go to one of those fabulous Paris Clubs and dance ?

I just wanted to blend in on the dance floor like any other parisienne out on the town for the night. Armando Cosio, my hair and make-up artist, put a long black wig pn my head and I wore something very un-Sandy-like, a bohemian white outfit, while lee put on a suit. This was just about as un-Sandy and un-Danny as we could be.
An hour later, after this well-thought-out preparation, we arrived at a French discothèque - and in one second, I heard a chorus of "Bonsoir, Olivia ! Bonsoir, Lee ! Je t'aime GREASE !"
Comment dites-vous impossible to hide ? Even for one night !

My new motto : Why not just embrace it ? I pulled off the wig and had a great time.

..... Despite that fun time in Paris, Lee and I didn't see a future for our relationship.

(Extrait des mémoires d'Olivia Newton-John)

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