samedi 22 août 2020


Pour une fois qu'un animateur connait son sujet !! ( Merci kay ! )


Quelques ré editions en 33t préssages  colorés pour le National Album Day ... et pas l'ombre d'un album d'ONJ .. bouhhhhh !! Elle a vraiment tourné la page .. 



Pour madmoizelle.conne  GREASE fait partie des 4 films qu'il ne faut absolument pas revoir ! C'est pas tant les propos qui me gène ... on a le droit de ne pas aimer GREASE mais quand tu es journaliste .. évite d'écrire le nom de l’artiste à moitié ! Olivia Newton ..... 

" Dans mon souvenir, Grease, c’était le coup de peigne de Travolta, la répartie de Rizzo, les tenues de Sandy Olsen portées par Olivia Newton, c’était You’re The One That I Want, ouh ouh ouh ! "

1 commentaire:

toomorrowman a dit…

It's very sad that Olivia or her management are not reissuing certain Olivia album. We have to accept that Olivia has never been interested in that sort of thing. The only box sets we've had have been over priced imports. Next year her first album will be 50. There will be no many of her albums are in and out of print. Her first album has been out of print for years. Olivia has never really listened to her fans,it took 30 years for her to return to your the UK again. We've be asking for a definitive box set,a dance album and reissues for years to no availe. Not enough people are interested in Olivia,she's been forgotten. I don't think Olivia is interested in Olivia anymore. I believe That Liv On (not a great album at all) is getting a rerelease with a DVD. Let's face it. Gaia,her hospital and legalising cannabis are what she's about now. It's been so long since she's used her voice that it's probably deteriorated now. I love the pre Grease period and just have to remain happy with what we've got. Love the blog I visit 2-3 times daily. It must be difficult to keep it going with nothing to look forward to. Keep up the good work. Many thanks. Pete a fan from York Uk