THE Country Girl en mode Fashion pour les magazines féminins ( ci-dessous) ou "questionnée" sur la Country Music pour le magazine américain de Rona Barrett ... au siècle dernier !
C'est avec grand plaisir que nous retrouvons un article sur Olivia Newton-John dans le dernier Téléstar, page 77 ... pour sa participation au dernier volet de Sharknado !
Et non, ONJ ne fume pas du Cannabis .. mais l'utilise en concentré afin de traiter son cancer .. en marge d'une radiothérapie ...
. Les plus grandes rockstars des années 80 dans la vie de tous les jours
Brad Elterman revit les jours de gloire au cours desquels il a photographié David Bowie, Joan Jett, Bob Dylan et Kiss.
Il est aussi l'un des photographes présent en juin 1978 pour la première de GREASE à Los Angeles ! Nous lui devons cette photo du désormais célèbre bisou entre John Travolta et Olivia Newton-John !
. Stockard Channing: Reunion ? Some of us are dead
La célèbre Rizzo du film GREASE, agée de 73 ans, s'est récemment confiée au DAILY TELEGRAPH .. et elle ne semble pas très chaude pour célébrer les 40 ans du film, l'année prochaine !
Jeff Conaway jouait Kenickie, le meilleur ami de Danny, amoureux de Rizzo est décédé en 2011 après une overdose à l'âge de 60 ans. L'actrice qui incarnait Cha Cha dans Grease s'est éteinte le 6 aout 2011 à Los Angeles. Annette Charles avait 63 ans et souffrait d'un cancer. La Principal McGee jouée par Eve Arden s'est éteinte le 12 novembre 1990 à l'age de 78 ans. Vi par Joan Blondell ... un 25 décembre 1979 à l'age de 70 ans ! Le 12 février 2014 à l'age de 91 ans, c'est le Coach Calhoun ou Sid Caesar qui nous quittait.
Mrs Murdoch, Alice Ghostley est partie un 21 septembre 2007 à l'age de 81 ans !
Ces quelques photos partagée par Chloe Lattanzi ont redonnées le sourire à de nombreux fans !
C'est en effet une Olivia Newton-John tout sourire qui accompagnait sa fille sur son dernier photo-shoot pour la compagnie equestriandesigns !
Music Industry veteran Spence Berland passed away on New Year's Eve ! Here is Spence with ONJ during the early 70s.
Toujours aussi cheap, Sharknado arrive dans un cinquième volet avec comme tête d’affiche l’acteur Ian Ziering alias Steve Sanders, dans la série Beverly Hills 90210. Comme les précédents volets, il ne faut pas s’attendre à un blockbuster, mais plutôt à un film complètement WTF, mais qui va certainement parvenir à trouver son public une nouvelle fois.
Dans Sharknado 5 Global Warming, Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) et sa femme April (Tara Reid) sont à la recherche de leur fils disparu, pendant que des Sharknado attaquent le monde entier. On retrouve ce type de requins à Londres, à Tokyo, à Amsterdam et même à Rio en train de tout détruire sur leur passage. Big Ben qui explose, la tour de Pise qui se redresse, ça s'annonce particulièrement mouvementé.
Au niveau du casting, on retrouve aussi Tony Hawk, Bret Michaels chanteur du groupe Poison, Olivia Newton-John et sa fille ainsi que les Youtubers français Natoo et Kemar.
Sharknado 5 Global Warming sera diffusé à partir du 6 août prochain sur la chaîne SyFy.
Tied Up (In Promises) / (Livin’ In) Desperate Times Today I’ll focus on two 7“ releases from 1983 and 1984 that did impress me by far deeper than their predecessors „Heart Attack“ (1982) and „Twist of Fate“ (1983). While „Heart Attack“ did much better on the charts accompanying Olivia’s Greatest Hits Vol.2 release and her 1982 „Physical Tour of North America“, the second single „Tied Up“charted much lower in the US, Canada and Australia. . Being a strong performance song I liked „Heart Attack“, but never felt totally comfortable with that „Pogo“ feel to it.
„Tied Up“ appeared much more sultry with an unusual flute solo, which was new to an ONJ 80’s tune. Before I got the 7“ in my hands by mid-1983 I could only listen to the version on the german Greatest Hits 1982 LP. That LP contains one of the worst sound qualities of an ONJ album ever! Due to the overloading of songs. This compilation was released to the asian and australian markets containing 14 songs while the US edition just featured 10.
The european LP was packed with all of ONJ’s early 70’s material (e.g. „If not for you“, „Country Roads“, „Sam“ and many more) making a full of 16 to 20 tunes. The sound of „Tied Up“ is so quiet on that vinyl that you really had to turn up your volume to get any kind of joy listening to it.
Composer and guitarist Lee Ritenour was responsible for writing „Tied Up“ together with Olivia’s long-time producer John Farrar. The single saw a release in the US in January 1983 and was released overseas in March that same year. Making an average impression on the charts in the United States, outside Europe it was completely over-heard. But in comparison to the US and australian releases, which featured a slightly edited version of the song and „Silvery Rain“ (from the „Physical“ album) as b-side, we were very happy in Europe (as were South Americans) seeing Olivia’s „Physical“ live recording from her 1982 US tour as b-side ! This superb cut (originally a length of 10:33 minutes on the video release) was edited down to 7:33 minutes for the single flip-side leaving out most of the audience sing-a-long. I remember being puzzled with that live version, because it was so different from the studio version. But definitely a great treat since ONJ live recordings were so rare in those days ! Ritenour even recorded his own version of „Tied Up“ for his 1982 „RIT/2“ Album. A great version which has a lot of musicians on it, who are well-known from many ONJ records of the 70’s and 80’s (e.g. Michael Boddicker or Nathan East). John Farrar provides backing vocals for Lee’s version as well and he is joined by Mr. Mister’s front singer Richard Page.
. In 1985 Stevie Nicks did a demo of „Tied Up“ for her extremely successful album „Rock a little“. Somehow it didn’t make it on the LP. She made it her very own version and it’s far apart from Olivia’s appeal. Trivia: To this day it’s hard to find any credits of Olivia’s „Tied Up“ recording, since the liner notes on the 7“ and Greatest Hits LP remain very economical.
Another weak follow-up to a smash hit was „Livin’ In Desperate times“, which charted also only in the US, Canada and Australia. „Twist of fate“ was fantastically fresh when it was released in Europe in November 1983. But again it wasn’t making a big chart impression over here. Because the movie „Two of a kind“ was released much later in some countries (autumn 1984) EMI decided to release „Take a chance“ as a follow up to „Twist of fate“ in Europe. The then new ONJ/Travolta duet totally failed the charts. (In the US „Take a chance“ was a double A-side with „Twist of fate“ and did very well on the AC charts !) „Twist of Fate“ had good airplay around Europe, but „Take a chance“ faded much too fast being compared as a cheap copy of ABBA’s 1977 hit of the same title.
„LIDT“ is one of the most-oustanding recordings of Olivia up to date. Because of it’s aggressiveness and massive drum-pad rhythms it appears very much like the new-wave era in terms of Depeche Mode, Yazoo and others. I couldn’t take it off my turntable around christmas 1983. The soundtrack of „Two of a kind“ had been released simultaneously on both sides of the ocean, although the movie arrived with much delay over here. And it took at least two more years for me to learn that „LIDT“ had been released as a remix in the US and Australia. I had the japanese and swedish 7“ vinyls, but those feature the ususal LP versions. That always confused me, because the Polar cover sleeve was the same as the US sleeve. So when „LIDT“ hit the stores in Febuary 1984 I didn’t care for the US release.
In 1985 I got my hands on the US 7“ and even found out that „Twist of fate“ and „LIDT“ were released as a double A-side 12“ with superb remixes. I remember writing a letter to the late Bo Larsson in Sweden (founder of the swedish ONJ fanclub), who took care of me a lot in the beginning of my collectiong years : He sold me rare and hard to find records including the US and swedish 12“ of „LIDT“ which was overwhelming in those days. I believe „LIDT“ would not have been a hit here if it was released back then. But it wasn’t the song. It was Olivia’s absence doing promotional trips to Europe which caused chart failures. Again EMI and Polar decided to chose „Silvery Rain“ for a b-side. The song had been used as a flip already for „Tied Up“ and also for „Take a chance“. Any choice from Olivia’s Physical tour could’ve been better, but you’ll never know why record companies decide for a song as an A or B side. Looking at Olivia’s catalogue there had been made some really strange choices! Why „Landslide“, which had been a single release in 1982, was chosen as a b-side for „LIDT“ is even more confusing !!
Trivia: Arlene Phillips, who was resonpsible for choreographing the stage production of „Starlight Express“ (amongst many others!) did work with Olivia on the „LIDT“ video. The cover shot from the japanese 7“ was taken from the Merv Griffin Show (December 3, 1983). As with „Tied Up“ and „Heart Attack“ it’s hard to find any recording details on all of the songs from the „Two of a kind“ Soundtrack.
It makes no sense to argue about which song or video are the best, because tastes of the fans are very different. And knowing myself a favorite song can change within a minute. But indeed „Tied Up“ and „Livin’ In Desperate Times“ stay amongst my 80’s faves on my ONJ-list.
'She's doing wonderful !' Chloe Lattanzi confirms her mother Olivia Newton-John is on the road to recovery as she spruiks cannabis oil as powerful treatment on The Morning Show ! The 31-year-old announced the happy news, saying her mother was currently doing 'wonderful'. Chloe credited retaining a positive mindset throughout treatment for her mother's recovery, along with a combination of natural and traditional medicine. 'She's doing wonderful, her and I we both think positive...she's taken care of herself and she's getting stronger every day,' she told hosts Kylie Gillies and Larry Emdur. 'She's doing really, really well.' Read more at Chloe Lattanzi hit back at negative press surrounding her mother’s latest setback. “The tabloids are poison. I think it’s especially disgusting that when my mum, my family, were going through the hardest thing that a family could go through, these tabloid are using that to create negative stories,” she said. "My mum and I are just like any other mother and daughter. Don’t believe anything that you read these magazines are trash. They are negative and they’ve made me cry. You try to block yourself out. You try not to read these things but it’s just negativity put into the universe and none of it’s true and I don’t respect people who do that for a living, I don’t.”
En mode promo pour sa participation au 5ème volet de la serie SHARKNADO, Chloe Lattanzi réitère les bonnes nouvelles qui entourent la santé de sa mère Olivia Newton-John ! Elle a confirmé qu'elle était sur le chemin du rétablissement.
"Elle devient de plus en plus forte chaque jour" a t-elle dit aux animateurs du Morning Show australien !
Elle en a également profité pour tacler la presse people qui n'a de cesse de raconter des mensonges sur la relation qu'elle entretien avec sa mère ou sur d'autres sujets aussi sensibles !
Et dans la série "j'aime faire du buzz" .. on s'amusera de ses "stickers" collés sur son visage ...
Grammy Award Winner Olivia Newton-John is coming to Fantasy Springs Friday, 10/6. Tickets go on sale Friday at 10am.
John Travolta et Olivia Newton-John trustaient pour la 6ème semaine consécutive le top des charts anglais avec le cultissime YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT... pour la semaine du 22 juillet 1978 !
La même semaine on écoutait au Royaume Uni ....
En seconde position Father Abraham & The Smurfs - The Smurf Song .. chaud !!
How Olivia’s WINNING the fight of her life Celebrity news Olivia Newton-john has revealed how she is defying the odds and “winning” her second battle with breast cancer
Woman’s Day (Australia)24 Jul 2017
Olivia’s daughter Chloe shared her mum’s cat pic to show she is ‘doing great’. Chloe Lattanzi was so happy to hear her mum’s amazing news last week that she confirmed Olivia Newton-john is “doing great” on her Instagram feed. “Just wanted to let you all know how well she is doing,” wrote Chloe, 31, beside a photo of kittens her mum sent her from a wellness centre in Atlanta, USA, where she’s slowly recovering from gruelling radiation therapy. Friends were thrilled too, to find out Olivia, 68, is on the mend after her shock cancer diagnosis last month – 25 years after her first battle with the terrible disease. “One of her doctors has told Olivia he’s ‘quietly optimistic’ because her treatments were done so soon after her diagnosis,” reveals one friend, who says this has inspired the brave star to maintain her fighting spirit. “This particular cancer – in her sacrum – is not an easy one to get rid of and can be quite aggressive, but with the right treatment it can be kept under control. “And Olivia feels what she’s doing is working, definitely. She calls it the ‘double punch’ because she combines traditional treatments like radiation with her wellness therapies. Mentally, Olivia is feeling extremely optimistic.”
Her husband, herb company CEO John Easterling, 65, is also devoting all his energy to helping his “soulmate”, telling everyone, “We’re hoping this will be a miracle healing,” as a fatigued Olivia works to regain her strength. “John is such a positive person and he’s by her side, even though he has a lot of work commitments,” says the friend. “He’s dropped everything to be with her 24/7. They are a great team and he’s loud and proud about having faith that everything is going to end well for Olivia.”
ROAD TO RECOVERY Olivia just completed four weeks of gruelling radiation therapy in California, before retreating to the healing centre in Atlanta, where she’s apparently embracing natural medicines and treatments, as well as meditation, to help her recover. “Olivia’s putting great faith in the ‘double punch’ strategy, but she’s not doing anything radical to get better, just following doctors’ advice to the letter,” her mate says. “She’s definitely feeling exhausted, but that’s natural at this stage of her recovery. And while she’s constantly tired, Olivia’s already talking about her plans for the next year or two and even beyond that.” The friend tells us she’s planning on coming to Australia for the gala dinner in Melbourne in September to raise money for her own Cancer Wellness & Research Centre at the Austin Hospital. “I honestly don’t know how she dusts herself off all the time and maintains an unshakeable belief that everything will be OK. Olivia amazes everyone around her.” The singer was forced to postpone her US and Canadian tour dates after receiving the shock news that her breast cancer had returned – after initially seeking medical help in April for recurring back pain.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER “Olivia knows so much about the whole journey of cancer and getting through it, and not just from her own experience,” her friend explains. “She’s gained so much knowledge through her own cancer centre in Melbourne and she’s always been so involved, meeting patients and talking to the amazing doctors at the centre, that she has an incredible understanding of this disease. “She’s witnessed firsthand what works and what doesn’t and how people cope, and she has always felt and believed that a positive attitude is key to getting well again. Every time we speak, she’s 100 per cent positive.” ‘Olivia’s already talking about her plans for the next year or two and even beyond that’
Certes, il y a toujours les bons amis qui dévoilent des "soit disant" vérités cachées ... l'article du Woman's Day reste respectueux sur le combat d'ONJ contre le cancer .. !
Le DailyMail résume également cet état de faits ..
Un remix chasse l'autre ou si peu ..
Voici la dernière composition de Daybeat sur le titre SAD SONGS d'Olivia Newton-John !
Et en rappel l'autre excellent remix de PHYSICAL version GLEE ... avec l'excellente Jane Lynch !
Merci beaucoup David pour tes créations !
Et toujours l'interview d'ONJ par Chris Azzopardi mais dans une version joliment illustrée pour le magazine LGBT HOT SPOTS !
L'interview très intéressante, ceci dit, à été donné avant l'annonce de son nouveau cancer ...
A l'affiche de « Sharknado 5 : Global Swarming » (diffusion sur SYFY le 10 août ) avec sa mère Olivia Newton-John, Chloe Lattanzi a donné des nouvelles de celle-ci qui se bat contre un nouveau cancer au sein...
Chloe Lattanzi, fait en ce moment la promotion de Sharknado 5 : Global Swarming) au Comi-Con de San Diego , film dans lequel elle partage l'affiche avec sa mère : Olivia Newton John.
Elle en a profité pour nous donner des nouvelles de sa célèbre maman : " Elle va beaucoup mieux, elle se rétablie, c'est très gentil de demander. Donc en ce moment elle va très bien. ".
Chloe Lattanzi gave ET an update on how her mom, Olivia Newton-John, is doing after it was revealed that the 68-year-old actress is battling breast cancer again.
"She's doing really well. Thank you for asking," Lattanzi, 31, told ET's Kevin Frazier at Comic-Con in San Diego, California, on Friday. "Yeah, she's in recovery and she's doing really well." Adding, "She's healing and everything's going well. So thank you for asking."
Lattanzi will next appear alongside her mother in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming, which will debut on Aug. 6 on the Syfy channel. When asked how it was coming into the Sharknado universe with her mom, the actress shared that "it was amazing."