samedi 26 mars 2016


Sur son Facebook officiel, Olivia Newton-John s'est excusée d'avoir du annuler ses 2 derniers concerts suite à une méchante bronchite !

Avec tous ces décalages horaires, avions et la fatigue de cette tournée sud américaine ...

Le concert de Palm Spring sera heureusement reprogrammé pour le 29 avril prochain !

Olivia Newton-John :
It is with deep regret that I was not able to perform last night at the Pala Casino Spa Resort. I thought I would be able to sing through the bronchitis I am fighting but, it just didn’t turn out the way I had hoped. Unfortunately I will also have to postpone my scheduled concert tonight at Fantasy Springs. The understanding and compassion from the audience last night, and the beautiful stories people shared with me, truly warmed my heart.
To my fans who planned on attending the Fantasy Springs concert tonight, I am so sorry. But, I am happy to say we have rescheduled the show for April 29th. Again, thank you everyone for your understanding and apologies for any inconvenience. I promise I will make it up to all of you!
With love and light,
- Olivia

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