
mardi 20 décembre 2022




26 SEPTEMBER 1948 – 8 AUGUST 2022

Olivia Newton-john was known for many things, but nothing ever quite topped her star turn as Sandy in Grease, the 1978 hit film in which she starred with John Travolta.

While the star had enjoyed a successful career as a singer, and had a huge hit with Physical in 1981, Olivia, who died at the age of 73 following a 30-year battle with metastatic breast cancer, will forever be associated with the blonde goody two shoes who managed to tame Danny Zuko.

After her death, John paid tribute to his former co-star, saying, “My dearest Olivia, you made all of our lives so much better.” Her 36-yearold daughter Chloe described her mum as her “lighthouse” and “safe space”.

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