
mardi 12 février 2019


Dans ses mémoires, Olivia Newton-John ne s'est pas trop attardée sur ses premiers albums .. qui contenaient de très jolies reprises ..
C'est dommage, il y avait sans doute des anecdotes sympathiques à partager avec ses fans ..

Du premier opus elle écrit dans sa bio :

First Album (1971)
We cut the album at the legendary Abbey Road Studios where I spent my days with dog Geordie at my feet. There was a moment when he actually knocked the mic stand during a guitar solo in If Not For You. We left the sound on the album and it still makes me smile when I hear it.

It also makes me smile when I remember that The Beatles were in the next studio with George Martin recording their new album. I was lucky enough to meet them all as Bruce [Welch, Olivia’s then fiancé] was good friends with the most famous band of all time. In fact, he told me that Paul offered him his publishing on a song, but first he would want to give it a listen. Paul pulled his guitar out of his car boot and played a few bars of the song to Bruce, who turned it down. It had a different working title then, but it was Yesterday!

One day I walked in and found John and Yoko sitting around with their arms and legs entwined, young and in love. It’s a beau­tiful memory. I wouldn’t see Yoko again until many years later when I was on my honeymoon. By then, John was gone. So tragic.

In November of 1971, at the age of twenty-one (23 en fait !), I released my debut studio album, If Not For You
The single of that name was written by Bob Dylan and was a major hit. George Harrison had also done a version of it. London disc jockeys, along with romantics everywhere, embraced it. It was an excellent song for lovers of any age.

Decades later, I would find out that it’s my husband John’s favourite song.

It was exciting to have an album out and the next months went by in a blur of getting-to-know-you promotional appear­ances on television shows across Europe, the UK and Australia, along with a stage tour. Perhaps I was too young to handle it all, but I went down a path that I would later regret, which led to Bruce and me breaking off our engagement.

Edition japonaise

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