
dimanche 13 novembre 2016

En réponse à l'horreur

Il y a un an, le 13 novembre 2015, Paris et Saint-Denis étaient frappés par une série d'attentats meurtriers .....

And when the shadow descend again
Give me the eyes
To see
And when the silence
Stills my lips
Give me the words
To speak

Accept the things I can't change
And change the things
I still can
Give me the wisdom to know the difference
Grant me serenity
Grant me

And when the river is a wall of water
Give me the strength
To recede
And when twilight hides the horizon
Give me the faith
To believe

Accept the things I can't change
And change the things
I still can
Give me the wisdom to know the difference
Grant me serenity
Grant me

Amy Sky, Stephan Moccio

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