

Dans le cadre du lancement de son nouvel album Norman Fuckin Rockwell! , Lana Del Rey a présenté la vidéo de sa chanson "Doin Time" !

La vidéo commence alors que Lana se réincarne dans une sorte de petite géante se promenant dans Los Angeles. Ensuite, vous pourrez voir un parking très similaire à Grease ( si si !! ), petit clin d'oeil aux années 50 avec un imaginaire ultra-fantasmé d'une Californie éternelle!

La version originale est de :


La version "Newton-Johnesque" de ce standard américain .. loin du style Gospel/blues imaginé par Gershwin ... mais tellement séduisant sous la production de feu Phil Ramone !


vendredi 30 août 2019


Olivia Newton-John est en couverture du magazine FLORIDA COAST !

Qu'apprend on ? pas grand chose si ce n'est qu'elle habite de nouveau à Jupiter ... ( Tchao bye les poneys, les poules et tout le reste ?? )
Pas de plan pour ONJ de retourner en studio pour un nouvel album ( les rumeurs d'une participation au nouvel album de Barry Gibb enflent .. on verra ! ) et quand à un nouveau projet avec sa fille .. ( mouais ! ça fait longtemps qu'elle en parle .. )

Olivia Newton-John shines in a brand new issue of Florida Coast Magazine. She talks about her charity, her book, and helping others at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre.

Olivia appreciates nature and spending time with her husband at their home in Jupiter, Florida. “Jupiter, is really our base, so we do spend a lot of time there; it’s so beautiful,” she declared.

Discussing future ventures, Olivia has no current plans to go into the studio, but highlighted, “If I do anything, I will do something with my daughter Chloe. We had a number one dance record, “You Have to Believe” (remake of original “Magic” she recorded for the Xanadu movie soundtrack) and we thought it may be fun to do something else.”


ou en digital :

In Conversation with Olivia Newton-John : 

What’s the most important piece of advice you have ever been given by someone? My mother’s advice was always good. Her words were the ones that encouraged me to go ahead with the hospital. She used to say, ‘If you can help somebody, then you should do it.’ That really is the philosophy of my husband and I.

When you are at your home in Jupiter, is there a favorite place you like to go and relax? There are numerous places. I really like U-Tiki, the restaurant that overlooks the lighthouse, with the little beachy area.

What’s your favorite time of day? Anytime, I am grateful for everyday, from when I wake up, to when I go to sleep.

What do you miss most about Australia? Apart from my family and friends, it would be the birds’ song and nature.

If you could travel back in time and give one piece of advice to the twenty-year-old you, what would that be? Don’t worry so much.





Closer Weekly
9 Sep 2019

Et Danke Kay pour les scans ! 

Despite a difficult year, this three-time cancer “thriver” is battling back with natural therapies and the love of her family and friends.

Looking trim and youthful in a tailored white suit, Olivia Newton-John proudly accepted Industry Dance’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Hollywood. “It was a challenging year,” the performer admitted at the Aug. 14 event, where she also received a $100,000 donation from Dancers Against Cancer for the Australian research hospital which bears her name. “I’m strong and I’m back and I’m feeling good and loving every minute.”

At 70, Olivia has lost none of the optimism and sparkle that made the world fall in love with her in the 1970s. Though she has weathered heartbreak, grief and three occurrences of cancer since 1992, Olivia insists she’s lucky. “What you think creates your reality,” says the star, who calls herself “a three-time cancer thriver” and reasons that “you can be a victim or you can be a winner and enjoy your life. It hasn’t been easy, of course, but it’s your choice on how you deal with it.”

After early success with international hit songs such as 1974’s “I Honestly Love You” and “Have You Never Been Mellow” the following year, the English-Australian entertainer joined Hollywood’s A-list when she starred as Sandy in the 1978 film version of Grease, opposite John Travolta. “I was very nervous about pulling it off,” admits Olivia, who worried that at age 29 she looked too old to play a high school student. “When you’re really young you’re just more fussy about that stuff,” she says. “When you’re older, you’re just grateful.”


Those feelings of gratitude have only intensified as Olivia’s matured. In her long career she has won four Grammys, sold more than 100 million records worldwide and watched as her 2019 biography Don’t Stop Believin’ became a New York Times bestseller. But she has also known her share of disappointment and private sorrow. “Her achievements are great but her heart is immeasurable,” says her close friend, actress Jane Seymour. “She is thriving. I am just so happy because it was really rough there.”

“I consider myself a cancer thriver – not a survivor.”
— Olivia

Olivia first found a lump in her breast in 1992. Diagnosed with cancer, she underwent a partial mastectomy and chemotherapy. The treatment seemed successful, but in 2013 her doctors discovered a malignant tumor on her right shoulder after she was involved in a minor auto accident.

More bad news followed. In 2017, Olivia turned to her physician after suffering a severe pain in her lower back. Diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that had metastasized to her sacrum, she was forced to cancel her tour. Last fall, she also experienced a fractured pelvis due to her cancer-weakened bones. “Things slowed down when I fractured my sacrum and I’ve been healing since,” Olivia tells Closer.

As word of her new health crisis spread, friends like her former Grease co-star John Travolta reached out. “Olivia has always been an incredible human being and an inspiration to millions of people,” he said. “If we all put our intentions for her to get through this — I know her so well — she will feel it, and it will support her.”

It hasn’t been easy, but Olivia’s a fighter. “I had to learn to walk again,” reveals the performer, who grew stronger by complementing traditional oncology treatments with wellness practices like yoga, acupuncture and massage. “It helped my attitude when I was going through my journey,” she explains.


Olivia believes so strongly in alternative therapy’s ability to fight cancer that 15 years ago she lent her name to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre in Heidelberg, Australia. In addition to studying and treating the disease, the facility creates programs to boost patients’ minds and spirits, too. “I wanted to create a relaxing, peaceful place,” says Olivia, “where people could meet other cancer patients, share experiences and enjoy restful activities such as yoga or art and music therapy, or learn about healthy eating.”

The star’s illness has also deepened her own commitment to healthy living. “I eat well. I’m very conscientious,” she says. Olivia follows a largely plant-based diet occasionally supplemented with small portions of organic meat and fish. “I just didn’t seem to thrive [on a pure vegetarian diet],” she says, adding that moderation is key to healthy eating. “Food is one of the great pleasures in life. I love dark chocolate, and occasionally I enjoy an ice cream.”

“We don’t really know how long our life is. I intend to be here for a long time.”
— Olivia


After Olivia’s 1995 divorce from her daughter Chloe’s father, Matt Lattanzi, and the 2005 disappearance at sea of her boyfriend, Patrick McDermott, Olivia feared that she’d never know love again. But her current husband, John Easterling, has stayed steadfast at her side through all of her recent health challenges. “I married the perfect person,” she gushes. “He’s a caring human being who’s very intelligent and calming.”

Before coming together, the pair knew each other for years as friends. “I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with him and then bam!” Olivia recalls. “I always tell my friends you’re never too old to find love. I found the love of my life at 59 going on 60!”

Olivia credits John, whom she married in 2008, with introducing her to immune system boosters and natural remedies. “He spent his life in the rainforest. He designs supplements.

I take a lot of herbal things that he makes,” says Olivia, who also utilizes cannabis to manage her disease. “It helped me incredibly with pain and sleep,” she says.

While she’s aware that stage 4 cancer kills, she doesn’t want her doctors to estimate how long she has left to live. “If somebody tells you that you have six months to live, very possibly you will because you believe that,” she reasons. “So for me, psychologically, it’s better not to have any idea of what they expect.”

At home with John in California, Olivia surrounds herself with her beloved pets — she has a German shepherd, a cat and two miniature horses. “I love my animals and my family,” says Olivia, whose daughter, Chloe, 33, is pregnant with the performer’s first grandchild. “I’m happiest with the simple things — looking at the stars at night or bird songs in the morning,” Olivia says. “I think I’m at my happiest right now. Life is not to be rushed through. It’s to be savored.”

On ne peut pas dire que CLOSER ne brille pas par l'originalité de leurs photos ...




jeudi 29 août 2019


THE Tweet de Richard Marx pour le #TBT !


D'Afrique du Sud ...



Après l'Irlande, les vêtements ( pas tous ) d'Olivia Newton-John seront exposés au célèbre Hard Rock café de New York sur Broadway Avenue .. du 17 au 20 octobre !

(Espérons qu'ils ne vont pas sentir la friture ... :-) )

Hard Rock Cafe New York
1501 Broadway – Times Square
New York, New York 10036

Thursday, October 17th – Monday, October 21st
Daily: 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Free to the Public

Julien's Auctions
The Standard Oil Building Beverly Hills
257 N. Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Monday, October 28th – Friday, November 1st
Daily: 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Free to the Public

Co-designed with Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John à collaboré pour le design de cette Culotte en soie stretch bio de chez BLUE ILLUSION ! 199.99$ australiens !

Le produit de la vente de ce vêtement ira au centre de recherche et de bien-être sur le cancer Olivia Newton-John ! Mesdames ...


ELTON JOHN & OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN au STUDIO 54 en 1978 pour la première de GREASE ..



Vues sur Ebay !

Raconte moi tes salades mec !

mercredi 28 août 2019


... de Kay !

Lu dans les magazines BEST et YOURS !


ONJ en couverture du CLOSER US


mardi 27 août 2019



Travolta said Olivia Newton-John and him are in close contact and planning to do something together to help raise money for her cancer research foundation.
Newton-John has stage 4 cancer and is battling the disease for the third time.
"We are thinking of doing some meet and greets to raise money because she's up for it now," Travolta said. "She's amazing."

Alors quel projet pourrait réunir John Travolta & ONJ pour une rencontre avec leurs fans ? .... histoire de récolter des fonds pour le centre de cancer d'Olivia en Australie ? ... Il va y avoir la vente des vêtements d'ONJ en fin d'année à Beverly Hills .... ça serait une belle occasion pour le célèbre duo de se réunir ...


Les jolies photos réalisées par Denise Truscello dans la résidence californienne d'Olivia Newton-John sont apparues sur Getty !
Certes, nous les avons déjà vues en long et en large un peu partout ..





Could YOU make a MINT from the MOVIES?

Film memorabilia like Olivia Newton-John’s Grease outfit is fetching record sums, so ....

Irish Daily Mail
26 Aug 2019
By Sylvia Morris

THE famous skin-tight leather outfit worn by Olivia Newton-John in the 1978 musical Grease is currently on display in Museum of Style Icons in Newbridge, Co. Kildare, after a visit from the woman who made those pants famous.

The exhibition is being staged at the museum in Newbridge Silverware until this Saturday, and when Newton-John arrived in Ireland in July, she explained her reasons for selling the outfit after keeping Sandy’s biker rig in her wardrobe at home for the past 40 years.

The trousers, which are actually 1950s vintage, were skin-tight even when she played lissom Sandy at the age of 29. At the start of the day’s filming, she was stitched into them because the zip had broken – and unstitched every time she needed to use the toilet. When she tried them on a couple of years back she still managed to shoe-horn herself into them. ‘Although I had lost quite a bit of weight at the time because it was just after I’d got ill,’ she said.

She decided the time had come to auction them (along with other film memorabilia) for the benefit of her hospital when the film celebrated its 40th birthday last year.

‘I hope to raise a million dollars,’ she said. ‘It won’t be a wrench to part with them because they were never really mine. They were Sandy’s.’

The trousers will then head back to the States where they will be auctioned off in November, and as a single item they are expected to raise around €200,000.....

Danke Kay


Olivia Newton-John a obtenu 4,6 millions de dollars pour son domaine de Dalwood, sur la côte nord de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud.

L'acheteuse est Carol Klinkert, épouse de l'homme d'affaires Stephen, qui compte 30 années d'expérience dans le secteur des assurances en Afrique du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et en Australie.
Olivia Newton-John a tout d'abord acheté la propriété en 1981 pour 622 000 $. Des terrains adjacents ont été ajoutés en 1983 et plus en 2015 pour consolider la propriété de 55 ha.

Olivia Newton-John, basée en Floride avec son mari John Easterling, conserve sa participation dans le Spa Gaia Retreat, près de Byron,co-fondée en 2005.

lundi 26 août 2019


John Travolta est en mode promo pour son nouveau film THE FANATIC !

Il a également fait une apparition dans le dernier clip de son ami PITBULL .. celui qui lui a inspiré son nouveau look très très sexy ...comme quoi un crâne rasé fait son plus bel effet !

... et en matière de fanatiques .. Olivia Newton-John a eu son lot !! Elle qui fut en réel danger par 2 fois !
Les fans qui se transforment en fanatiques ne sont jamais une expérience agréable. Les célébrités sont souvent aux prises avec les effets négatifs de la gloire lorsque leurs fans obsédés finissent par mettre leur vie en danger. C'était le cas pour Olivia Newton-John. Il fut une période où, à l'apogée de sa célébrité, sa vie était gâchée par Michael Owen Perry, basé en Louisiane, ainsi que Ralph Nau, originaire du Wisconsin. Ils lui étaient devenus «désespérément dévoués».

Michael Owen Perry était un évadé d'un établissement psychiatrique lorsqu'il est devenu obsédé par Olivia, dans sa trentaine à l'époque. Il croyait qu'il était un dieu et l'actrice de «Grease» une déesse. Il avait l'habitude de bombarder l'actrice avec une tonne de courrier inquiétant. En 1982, elle trouva deux lettres de lui qui lui étaient adressées. L'une d'elles contenait un collage de diverses photographies. Sur chaque photo de l'actrice, ses yeux semblaient avoir été égratignés avec un objet en forme d'aiguille, ce qui conférait à la lettre un effet extrêmement inquiétant. Au moment de l’incident, Olivia était si bouleversée par la peur et le stress qu’elle ne pouvait que faire ses bagages et prendre le premier avion pour l’Australie afin d'échapper à tout cela.
L'obsession de Michael pour Olivia a également été expliquée après avoir été appréhendée par des policiers, qui avaient révélé que le 17 juillet 1983, il avait fait une tuerie à Lake Arthur, en Louisiane, où il avait tiré dans les yeux de ses parents avec une arme à feu. son neveu, ainsi que deux cousins ​​dans une autre maison. Il a attaqué sa famille parce qu'ils l'ont empêché de poursuivre son obsession pour Olivia. Michael est toujours sous le coup d'une condamnation à mort dans le pénitencier d'État d'Angola.

Un autre fan effrayant, traquait également Olivia ; Ralph Nau était fasciné par elle. Il a commencé à harceler la chanteuse en 1980 après avoir été convaincu qu'elle était son amoureuse et lui envoyait des messages. Ralph, au moment où il harcelait la chanteuse, ciblait déjà 40 autres célébrités, dont Madonna et Cher. Il était convaincu qu'elles étaient mariées à lui. Après avoir obtenu une fausse licence sous le nom de Shawn Newton-John, il obtint l'adresse résidentielle d'Olivia et commença à la harceler.
En l'espace de trois ans, Ralph a envoyé 600 lettres terrifiantes à la chanteuse. Plus tard, en 1984, il a assassiné Dennis Gerken, le fils de son beau-père, Ken, issu d'un précédent mariage. Le lendemain, Ralph a été arrêté par la police. Il a avoué avoir tué son beau-frère âgé de 8 ans, gravement handicapé, avec une hache, parce qu'il tentait de l'empêcher de regarder une émission de télévision, où Olivia lui donnait apparemment des signaux.
Ralph est enfermé dans un établissement psychiatrique et son cas est examiné deux fois par an....


John Travolta Reveals He and Olivia Newton-John Are "Trying to Do Something Together" Soon
The actor also praised his Grease co-star and how she is handling her third breast cancer diagnosis.

During a recent red carpet interview, John Travolta hinted that he and his Grease co-star Olivia Newton-John might be partnering up again soon.

Ever since John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John starred alongside each other in 1978's hit musical film Grease, fans have known that the two talented actors go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong. (Sorry, we couldn't resist.) And now, it sounds like we might be able to see them join forces on another project or performance sometime soon.

While walking the red carpet at the Los Angeles premiere of his new movie, The Fanatic, John opened up about his close friendship with Olivia, hinting that there might be a collaboration in the future.
"We were together not that long ago, about three months ago, and we text each other all the time," he told Us Weekly at the event. "It's wonderful ... If I go to see her in her show, we go backstage and hang out, and I watch the show and all that. If I go to see her personally, we usually have dinner and catch up. And recently we've been talking about trying to do something together."

Lors d'une récente interview faite sur le tapis rouge, John Travolta a laissé entendre que lui et sa co-vedette de Grease , Olivia Newton-John, pourraient bientôt s'associer à nouveau.
"Nous étions ensemble il n'y a pas si longtemps, il y a environ trois mois, et nous nous envoyons des textos tout le temps", a-t-il déclaré à Us Weekly lors de l'événement. "C’est merveilleux ... Si je vais la voir dans son émission, nous allons dans les coulisses et je passe du temps avec elle, et je regarde l’émission et tout ça. Si je vais la voir personnellement, nous dînons habituellement et nous nous retrouvons comme au bon vieux temps. Et récemment nous avons parlé d'essayer de faire quelque chose ensemble ."

Perso, je me méfie des dires de Travolta et ces messages "coup de poing"  .. parce qu'au final .. il ne se passe jamais grand chose ! A suivre !



SOUL KISS en version 45t .. soit plus courte que la version 33t et avec le ahhhh du début en moins !